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A Convolutional Neural Network for the automatic diagnosis of collagen VI-related muscular dystrophies
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Spanish translation and validation of the Neuromuscular Module of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL): evaluation of the quality of life perceived by 5-7 years old children with neuromuscular disorders and by their parents
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Characterization of three TRAPPC11 variants suggests a critical role for the extreme carboxy terminus of the protein
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A de novo heterozygous missense BSCL2 variant in 2 siblings with intractable developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
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ADCK2 Haploinsufficiency Reduces Mitochondrial Lipid Oxidation and Causes Myopathy Associated with CoQ Deficiency
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Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy associated with contactin-1 antibodies in a child