Search publications


  • Civera-Tregon A, Dominguez-Brezosa L, Martínez-Valero P, Serrano C, Vallmitjana A, Benítez R, Hoenicka J, Satrústegui J and Palau F.

    Mitochondria and calcium defects correlate with axonal dysfunction in GDAP1-related Charcot-Marie-Tooth mouse model

    NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE . 152: 105300-105300. Number of citations: 16


  • Lopez-Del Rio A, Picart S and Perera A.

    Balancing Data on Deep Learning-Based Proteochemometric Activity Classification

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING . 61(4): 1657-1669. Number of citations: 8


  • Palmieri F, Gomis-Román P, Ruiz JE, Ferreira D, Martín-Yebra A, Pueyo E, Martínez JP, Ramírez J and Laguna P.

    Nonlinear T-Wave Time Warping-Based Sensing Model for Non-Invasive Personalised Blood Potassium Monitoring in Hemodialysis Patients: A Pilot Study.

    SENSORS . 21(8): . Number of citations: 3


  • Radu R, Hernández-Ortega S, Borrega O, Palmeri A, Athanasiou D, Brooke N, Chapí I, Le Corvec A, Guglieri M, Perera A, Garrido-Aguirre J, Ryll B and Nafria-Escalera B.

    Global Collaborative Social Network (Share4Rare) to Promote Citizen Science in Rare Disease Research: Platform Development Study.

    jmir formative research . 5(3): .


  • Picart S, Thompson WK, Buil A and Perera A.

    The effect of statistical normalization on network propagation scores

    Bioinformatics . 37(6): 845-852. Number of citations: 2


  • Wei J, Yao J, Belke D, Guo W, Zhong X, Sun B, Wang R, Paul Estillore J, Vallmitjana A, Benítez R, Hove-Madsen L, Alvarez-Lacalle E, Echebarria B and Chen SRW.

    Ca(2+)-CaM Dependent Inactivation of RyR2 Underlies Ca(2+) Alternans in Intact Heart.

    CIRCULATION RESEARCH . 128(4): 63-83. Number of citations: 18


  • Palmieri F, Gomis-Román P, Ferreira D, Ruiz JE, Bergasa B, Martín-Yebra A, Bukhari HA, Pueyo E, Martínez JP, Ramírez J and Laguna P.

    Monitoring blood potassium concentration in hemodialysis patients by quantifying T-wave morphology dynamics.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 11(1): 3883-3883. Number of citations: 12


  • Lopez-Del Rio A, Martin M, Perera A and Saidi R.

    Effect of sequence padding on the performance of deep learning models in archaeal protein functional prediction

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 10(1): 14634-14634. Number of citations: 26


  • Wang F, Hou W, Chitsike L, Xu Y, Bettler C, Perera A, Bank T, Cotler SJ, Dhanarajan A, Denning MF, Ding X, Breslin P, Qiang W, Li J, Koleske AJ and Qiu W.

    ABL1, Overexpressed in Hepatocellular Carcinomas, Regulates Expression of NOTCH1 and Promotes Development of Liver Tumors in Mice.

    Gastroenterology . 159(1): . Number of citations: 28


  • Palacio, F, Fonollosa J, Burgues, J, Gomez, JM and Marco, S.

    Pulsed-Temperature Metal Oxide Gas Sensors for Microwatt Power Consumption

    IEEE Access . 8: 70938-70946. Number of citations: 17
