Search publications


  • Sánchez-Torres AM, Amoretti S, Enguita-Germán M, Mezquida G, Moreno-Izco L, Panadero-Gómez R, Rementería L, Toll A, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, Roldán A, Pomarol-Clotet E, Ibáñez Á, Usall J, Contreras F, Vieta E, López-Ilundain JM, Merchán-Naranjo J, González-Pinto A, Berrocoso E, Bernardo M and Cuesta MJ.

    Relapse, cognitive reserve, and their relationship with cognition in first episode schizophrenia: a 3-year follow-up study.

    EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY . 67: 53-65. Number of citations: 3


  • Butjosa A, Usall J, Vila R, Mezquida G, Cuesta MJ, Rodríguez-Toscano E, Amoretti S, Lobo A, González-Pinto A, Espliego A, Corripio I, Vieta E, Baeza I, Bergé D, Bernardo M and PEPs Group.

    Impact of traumatic life events on clinical variables of individuals with first-episode psychosis and healthy controls.

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY . 69(1): 134-145. Number of citations: 1


  • Lopez-Morinigo JD, Martínez AS, Barrigón ML, Escobedo-Aedo PJ, Ruiz-Ruano VG, Sánchez-Alonso S, Mata-Iturralde L, Muñoz-Lorenzo L, Cuadras-Palleja D, Ochoa S, Baca-García E and David AS.

    A pilot 1-year follow-up randomised controlled trial comparing metacognitive training to psychoeducation in schizophrenia: effects on insight

    SCHIZOPHRENIA . 9(1): 7-7.


  • White KM, Dawe-Lane E, Siddi S, Lamers F, Simblett S, Riquelme Alacid G, Ivan A, Myin-Germeys I, Haro JM, Oetzmann C, Popat P, Rintala A, Rubio E, Wykes T, Henderson C, Hotopf M and Matcham F.

    Understanding the Subjective Experience of Long-term Remote Measurement Technology Use for Symptom Tracking in People With Depression: Multisite Longitudinal Qualitative Analysis.

    JMIR Human Factors . 10: . Number of citations: 1


  • Saiz-Masvidal C, Contreras F, Soriano-Mas C, Mezquida G, Diaz-Caneja CM, Vieta E, Amoretti S, Lobo A, González-Pinto A, Janssen J, Sagué-Vilavella M, Castro-Fornieles J, Bergé D, Bioque M, Gonzalez-Lois N, Parellada M and Bernardo M.

    Structural covariance predictors of clinical improvement at 2-year follow-up in first-episode psychosis.

    PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY . 120: 110645-110645. Number of citations: 1


  • Cunill R, Vives L, Pla M, Usall J and Castells X.

    Relationship between obsessive compulsive symptomatology and severity of psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia: Meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis.

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 251: 37-45. Number of citations: 4


  • Faris LH, Gabarrell A, Félez M, Cristobal P, Mortier P, Vilagut G, Olaya B, Alonso J, Haro JM, López-Carrilero R and Domènech J.

    The Association Between Substance Use Disorder and Depression During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain and the Moderating Role of Social Support: a Cross-Sectional Study.

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION . 21(2): 1-11. Number of citations: 3


  • Siddi S, Giné I, Bailon R, Matcham F, Lamers F, Kontaxis S, Laporta E, Garcia E, Arranz B, Dalla Costa G, Guerrero AI, Zabalza A, Buron MD, Comi G, Leocani L, Annas P, Hotopf M, Penninx BWJH, Magyari M, Sørensen PS, Montalban X, Lavelle G, Ivan A, Oetzmann C, White KM, Difrancesco S, Locatelli P, Mohr DC, Aguiló J, Narayan V, Folarin A, Dobson RJB, Dineley J, Leightley D, Cummins N, Vairavan S, Ranjan Y, Rashid Z, Rintala A, Girolamo G, Preti A, Simblett S, Wykes T, Pab Members, Myin-Germeys I, Haro JM and On Behalf Of The Radar-Cns Consortium.

    Biopsychosocial Response to the COVID-19 Lockdown in People with Major Depressive Disorder and Multiple Sclerosis.

    Journal of Clinical Medicine . 11(23): . Number of citations: 2


  • Lachowicz AM, Vaessen T, van Aubel E, Butjosa A, Reininghaus U and Myin-Germeys I.

    Effect of stressful life events on subclinical psychotic symptoms in first-degree relatives and healthy controls.



  • Isabel Ruiz Delgado, Moreno-Küstner B, García-Medina M, Barrigón ML, Fermín González Higueras, López-Carrilero R, Barrios-Mellado I, Barajas A, Esther Pousa Tomas, ESTHER LORENTE ROVIRA, Eva Maria Grasa Bello, Jordi Cid Colom, Barrau-Sastre P, Moritz S and Ochoa S.

    Is Metacognitive Training effective for improving neurocognitive function in patients with a recent onset of psychosis?

    PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 318: 114941-114941.
