Search publications


  • Huerta-Ramos ME, Marcó-García S, Escobar-Villegas MS, Rubio E, Ochoa S, Grasa Bello EM, Alonso Solís A, Rabella M, Berdun J, Hospedales M, M-Resist G, Corripio I and Usall J.

    m-RESIST, a complete m-Health solution for patients with treatmentresistant schizophrenia: a qualitative study of user needs and acceptability in the Barcelona metropolitan area.

    ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA . 45(6): 277-289. Number of citations: 5

  • Puig O, Baeza I, de la Serna E, Cabrera B, Mezquida G, Bioque M, Lobo A, González-Pinto A, Parellada M, Corripio I, Vieta E, Bobes J, Usall J, Contreras F, Cuesta MJ, Bernardo M, Castro-Fornieles J and Group TP.

    Persistent Negative Symptoms in First-Episode Psychosis: Early Cognitive and Social Functioning Correlates and Differences Between Early and Adult Onset.

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY . 78(9): 1414-1422. Number of citations: 28


  • MacDowell KS, Pinacho R, Leza JC, Costa Escolà J, Ramos B and García-Bueno B.

    Differential regulation of the TLR4 signalling pathway in post-mortem prefrontal cortex and cerebellum in chronic schizophrenia: Relationship with SP transcription factors.



  • Garriga M, Solé E, González-Pinto A, Selva-Vera G, Arranz B, Amann BL, Saiz-Ruiz J, Pérez-Blanco J and Vieta E.

    Efficacy of quetiapine XR vs. placebo as concomitant treatment to mood stabilizers in the control of subthreshold symptoms of bipolar disorder: Results from a pilot, randomized controlled trial.

    EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY . 27(10): 959-969. Number of citations: 13


  • Stephan-Otto C, Siddi S, Carl Senior, Cuevas-Esteban J, Cambra-Martí MR, Ochoa S and Brebion G.

    Remembering verbally-presented items as pictures: Brain activity underlying visual mental images in schizophrenia patients with visual hallucinations.

    Cortex . 94: 113-122. Number of citations: 16


  • Riera M, Castells X, Tobias A, Cunill R, Blanco L and Capellà D.

    Discontinuation of pharmacological treatment of children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: meta-analysis of 63 studies enrolling 11,788 patients.

    Psychopharmacology . 234(17): 2657-2671. Number of citations: 20


  • Cuevas-Esteban J, Iglesias M, Rubio-Valera M, Serra-Mestres J, Serrano-Blanco A and Baladon L.

    Prevalence and characteristics of catatonia on admission to an acute geriatric psychiatry ward.



  • Mas S, Gassó P, Torra M, Bioque M, Lobo A, González-Pinto A, Olmeda MS, Corripio I, Vieta E, Castro-Fornieles J, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, Bobes J, Usall J, Llerena A, Saiz-Ruiz J, Bernardo M, Lafuente A and PEPs Group.

    Intuitive pharmacogenetic dosing of risperidone according to CYP2D6 phenotype extrapolated from genotype in a cohort of first episode psychosis patients.

    EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY . 27(7): 647-656. Number of citations: 9


  • Folch-Mas A, Cortés-Ruiz MJ, Salvador-Carulla L, Natalia Kazah Soneyra, Irazábal M, Muñoz-Lorente S, Tamarit-Cuadrado J and Martínez-Leal R.

    Nuevas consideraciones sobre la salud de las personas con trastornos del desarrollo intelectual.

    SALUD PUBLICA DE MEXICO . 59(4): 454-461. Number of citations: 3


  • Ochoa S, López-Carrilero R, Barrigón ML, Esther Pousa Tomas, Barajas A, Lorente-Rovira E, González-Higueras F, Grasa E, Ruiz-Delgado I, Cid J, Birulés-Muntané I, Esteban-Pinos I, Casañas R, Luengo A, Torres-Hernández P, Corripio I, Montes-Gámez M, Beltran M, Ana de Apraiz Botaz, Domínguez-Sánchez L, Sánchez E, Llacer B, Peláez MT, Jose Luis Bogas Galisteo, Moritz S and Spanish Metacognition Study Group.

    Randomized control trial to assess the efficacy of metacognitive training compared with a psycho-educational group in people with a recent-onset psychosis.

    PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE . 47(9): 1573-1584. Number of citations: 64
