Search publications


  • Nunez MI, Tubau E and Suárez-Pellicioni M.

    Post-error response inhibition in high math-anxious individuals: Evidence from a multi-digit addition task.

    ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA . 177: 17-22. Number of citations: 8


  • Marzecová A, Widmann A, San Miguel-Insúa I, Kotz SA and Schröger E.

    Interrelation of attention and prediction in visual processing: Effects of task-relevance and stimulus probability.

    BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY . 125: 76-90. Number of citations: 25


  • Garcia-Garcia M, Via-Garcia M, Zarnowiec K, SanMiguel I, Escera C and Clemente I.

    COMT and DRD2/ANKK-1 gene-gene interaction account for resetting of gamma neural oscillations to auditory stimulus-driven attention.

    PLoS One . 12(2): . Number of citations: 5


  • Carreras-Torres R, Ferran A, Zanetti D, Esteban E, Varesi L, Pojskic N, Coia V, Chaabani H, Via-Garcia M and Moral P.

    Population structure from NOS genes correlates with geographical differences in coronary incidence across Europe.



  • Gorina-Careta N, Zarnowiec K, Costa-Faidella J and Escera C.

    Timing predictability enhances regularity encoding in the human subcortical auditory pathway

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 6: 37405-37405. Number of citations: 16


  • do Vale S, Selinger L, Martins JM, Bicho M, do Carmo I and Escera C.

    Hormonal modulation of novelty processing in women: Enhanced under working memory load with high dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate-to-dehydroepiandrosterone ratios

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS . 634: 98-103. Number of citations: 1


  • Diaz, Begona, Mitterer, Holger, Broersma, Mirjam, Escera C and Sebastian-Galles, Nuria.

    Variability in L2 phonemic learning originates from speech-specific capabilities: An MMN study on late bilinguals

    BILINGUALISM-LANGUAGE AND COGNITION . 19(5): 955-970. Number of citations: 16


  • Selinger L, Zarnowiec K, Via-Garcia M, Clemente I and Escera C.

    Involvement of the Serotonin Transporter Gene in Accurate Subcortical Speech Encoding

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE . 36(42): 10782-10790. Number of citations: 12


  • Romeo A and Super H.

    Global oscillation regime change by gated inhibition

    Neural Networks . 82: 76-83.


  • Timm J, Schönwiesner M, Schröger E and San Miguel-Insúa I.

    Sensory suppression of brain responses to self-generated sounds is observed with and without the perception of agency.

    Cortex . 80: 5-20. Number of citations: 55
