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Growth Differentiation Factor 15 is a potential biomarker of therapeutic response for TK2 deficient myopathy
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 10(1): 10111-10111. Number of citations: 22
Piquer-Garcia I, Cereijo R, Corral-Pérez J, Pellitero S, Martínez E, Taxerås SD, Tarascó J, Moreno P, Balibrea J, Puig-Domingo M, Serra D, Herrero L, Jiménez-Pavón D, Lerin C, Villarroya-Gombau F and Sánchez-Infantes D.
Use of Infrared Thermography to Estimate Brown Fat Activation After a Cooling Protocol in Patients with Severe Obesity That Underwent Bariatric Surgery.
OBESITY SURGERY . 30(6): 2375-2381. Number of citations: 5
Peyrou M, Cereijo R, Quesada T, Campderrós L, Gavaldà-Navarro A, Liñares-Pose L, Kaschina E, Unger T, López M, Giralt M and Villarroya-Gombau F.
The kallikrein-kinin pathway as a mechanism for auto-control of brown adipose tissue activity.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS . 11(1): 2132-2132. Number of citations: 23
Cairo M and Villarroya-Terrade J.
The role of autophagy in brown and beige adipose tissue plasticity.
J PHYSIOL BIOCHEM . 76(2): 213-226. Number of citations: 30
Díaz-Silva M, Campderrós L, Guimaraes MP, López-Bermejo A, de Zegher F, Villarroya-Gombau F and Ibañez-Toda L.
Circulating growth-and-differentiation factor-15 in early life: relation to prenatal and postnatal growth and adiposity measurements
PEDIATRIC RESEARCH . 87(5): 897-902. Number of citations: 22
Piquer-Garcia I, Campderrós L, Taxerås SD, Gavaldà-Navarro A, Pardo R, Vilà-Ubach M, Pellitero S, Martínez E, Tarascó J, Moreno P, Villarroya-Terrade J, Cereijo R, González L, Reyes M, Rodriguez-Fernández S, Vives-Pi M, Lerin C, Elks CM, Stephens JM, Puig-Domingo M, Villarroya-Gombau F, Villena JA and Sánchez-Infantes D.
A Role for Oncostatin M in the Impairment of Glucose Homeostasis in Obesity.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM . 105(3): 337-348. Number of citations: 17
Palomer FX, Román-Azcona MS, Pizarro J, Planavila A, Villarroya-Gombau F, Valenzuela-Alcaraz BI, Crispi F, Sepúlveda-Martínez Á, Miguel-Escalada I, Ferrer J, Nistal JF, García R, Davidson MM, Barroso E and Vazquez M.
SIRT3-mediated inhibition of FOS through histone H3 deacetylation prevents cardiac fibrosis and inflammation.
signal transduction and targeted therapy . 5(1): 14-14. Number of citations: 116
Taxerås SD, Galán M, Campderrós L, Piquer-Garcia I, Pellitero S, Martínez E, Puig R, Lucena I, Tarascó J, Moreno P, Balibrea J, Bel J, Murillo M, Martínez M, Ramon-Krauel M, Puig-Domingo M, Villarroya-Gombau F, Lerin C and Sánchez-Infantes D.
Differential association between S100A4 levels and insulin resistance in prepubertal children and adult subjects with clinically severe obesity.
OBESITY SCIENCE & PRACTICE . 6(1): 99-106. Number of citations: 3
González-Dávalos L, Álvarez-Pérez M, Quesada T, Cereijo R, Campderrós L, Piña E, Shimada A, Villarroya-Gombau F, Varela-Echavarria A and Mora O.
Glucocorticoid gene regulation of aquaporin-7.
Vitamins and Hormones . 112: 179-207. Number of citations: 2
García-Beltran C, Cereijo R, Quesada T, Malpique R, López-Bermejo A, de Zegher F, Ibañez-Toda L and Villarroya-Gombau F.
Reduced circulating levels of chemokine CXCL14 in adolescent girls with polycystic ovary syndrome: normalization after insulin sensitization
BMJ OPEN DIABETES RESEARCH & CARE . 8(1): . Number of citations: 23