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  • Rossi A, Romano R, Fecarotta S, Dell'Anno M, Pecorella V, Passeggio R, Zancan S, Parenti G, Santamaria F, Borgia F, Deodato F, Funghini S, Rupar CA, Prasad C, O'Callaghan-Gordo M, Mitchell JJ, Valsecchi MG, la Marca G, Galimberti S, Auricchio A and Brunetti-Pierri N.

    Multi-year enzyme expression in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI after liver-directed gene therapy.

    Med . : .


  • Villarrubia J, Morales M, Ceberio L, Vitoria I, Bellusci M, Quiñones I, Peña L, Ruiz de Valbuena M and O'Callaghan-Gordo M.

    Ecological study to estimate the prevalence of patients with acid sphingomyelinase deficiency in Spain. PREVASMD Study.

    Revista clinica espanola . : .
