Search publications


  • Sebastiani G, Borrás-Novell C, Casanova MA, Pascual Tutusaus M, Ferrero-Martinez SI, Gómez-Roig MD and García-Algar O.

    The Effects of Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse on Maternal Nutritional Profile during Pregnancy

    Nutrients . 10(8): . Number of citations: 69


  • Carreras-Badosa G, Armero-Bujaldón C, Solé-Amat L, Prats-Puig A, Díaz-Roldán F, Soriano-Rodriguez P, de Zegher F, Ibañez-Toda L, Bassols J and López-Bermejo A.

    Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and cardiovascular disease risk factors in women with excessive weight gain during pregnancy and in their offspring at age 5-6 years

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY . 42(5): 1019-1028. Number of citations: 1


  • Bassols J, Martínez-Calcerrada JM, Prats A, Carreras-Badosa G, Xargay-Torrent S, Lizarraga-Mollinedo E, Feliu-Alsina M, Riera-Pérez E, Osiniri I, de Zegher F, Ibañez-Toda L and López-Bermejo A.

    Perirenal fat is related to carotid intima-media thickness in children

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY . 42(4): 641-647. Number of citations: 26


  • Díaz-Silva M, García-Beltran C, López-Bermejo A, de Zegher F and Ibañez-Toda L.

    GLP-1 and IGF-I levels are elevated in late infancy in low birth weight infants, independently of GLP-1 receptor polymorphisms and neonatal nutrition

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY . 42(4): 915-918. Number of citations: 5


  • Sanz Marcos N, Malpique R, Sierra-March C, López-Bermejo A, Bassols J and Ibañez-Toda L.

    Body Composition and Circulating Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids at Age 6 Years: A Longitudinal Pilot Study



  • Sánchez-Infantes D, Cereijo R, Sebastiani G, Pérez-Cruz M, Villarroya-Gombau F and Ibañez-Toda L.

    Nerve Growth Factor Levels in Term Human Infants: Relationship to Prenatal Growth and Early Postnatal Feeding

    International Journal of Endocrinology . 2018: 7562702-7562702. Number of citations: 8


  • Díaz-Silva M, Gallego-Escuredo JM, López-Bermejo A, de Zegher F, Villarroya-Gombau F and Ibañez-Toda L.

    Low-Dose Spironolactone-Pioglitazone-Metformin Normalizes Circulating Fetuin-A Concentrations in Adolescent Girls with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    International Journal of Endocrinology . 2018: 4192940-4192940. Number of citations: 8


  • de Zegher F, García-Beltran C, López-Bermejo A and Ibañez-Toda L.

    Metformin for Rapidly Maturing Girls with Central Adiposity: Less Liver Fat and Slower Bone Maturation

    HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS . 89(2): 136-140. Number of citations: 16


  • Malpique R, Bassols J, López-Bermejo A, Díaz-Silva M, Villarroya-Gombau F, Pavia J, Congo A, de Zegher F and Ibañez-Toda L.

    Liver volume and hepatic adiposity in childhood: relations to body growth and visceral fat

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY . 42(1): 65-71. Number of citations: 7


  • Casano-Sancho P.

    Endocrine sequelae in childhood cancer survivors.

    Endocrinologia, diabetes y nutricion . 64(9): 498-505. Number of citations: 2
