Mejoraremos la vida de los niños con diabetes
- Leader
- Ruben Díaz Naderi
- Announcement
- Territorios solidarios
- Code
- Starting date
- 2015
- End date
- 2015
- Funded by
- Fundación Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.
Evaluación de la eficacia de un Programa Integral de Abordaje temprano al sobrepeso y obesidad infantil
- Leader
- Marta Ramon Krauel
- Code
- Starting date
- 2014
- End date
- 2020
- Funded by
- Sanofi-Aventis S.A
Beca Infojobs
- Leader
- José Carlos Jiménez Chillarón
- Code
- PFNR0026
- Starting date
- 2014
- End date
- 2014
- Funded by
- OSSJD - Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu
IRBETAINE-CIG_Marie Curie Reintegration Grants - IRBETAINE-CIG Molecular mechanisms underlying the development of insulin resistance: role of betaine supplementation. Beneficiary: Carles Lerin
- Leader
- Carles Lerin Martinez
- Announcement
- Code
- MARIE CURIE 293502
- Starting date
- 2013
- End date
- 2015
- Funded by
- European Commission
Premi Albert Renold Fellowship - Bolsa de viaje
- Leader
- José Carlos Jiménez Chillarón
- Announcement
- Premio Albert Renold Fellowship
- Code
- PCP00103
- Starting date
- 2013
- End date
- 2013
- Funded by
- European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes
Miguel Servet - Herencia no genómica de diabetes en un modelo murino de sobre-nutrición neonatal: Papel potencial de mecanismos epigenéticos. Beneficiario: Josep Jimenez
- Leader
- José Carlos Jiménez Chillarón
- Code
- MS11/00312
- Starting date
- 2012
- End date
- 2017
- Funded by
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
Fondo Espedial CIDI - La Caixa (Fondo para el avance científico e innovación en diabetes infantil)
- Leader
- Ruben Díaz Naderi
- Code
- CIDI- La Caixa
- Starting date
- 2011
- End date
- 2024
- Funded by
- Fundació Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona
Ayudas para contratos Ramon y Cajal. Beneficiario: Carles Lerin
- Leader
- Carles Lerin Martinez
- Announcement
- Recursos Humanos MICIIN-2010
- Code
- RYC-2010-06789
- Starting date
- 2011
- End date
- 2016
- Funded by
- Ministerio de Economía Y Competitividad (MINECO)
Mouse model for the study of non-genomic inheritance of diabetes.
- Leader
- José Carlos Jiménez Chillarón
- Code
- PCP00059
- Starting date
- 2010
- End date
- 2012
- Funded by
- European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes