Title | Status | Organization | Category | Start | Internal deadline | Official deadline | Keywords |
Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children - CERV-2022-DAPHNE | Announcement "closed " | European Commission | Projectes de recerca | 15/12/2021 | 05/04/2022 | 12/04/2022 | Qualsevol especialitat |
CERV-2022-DAPHNE_Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children. | Announcement "closed " | European Commission | Projectes de recerca | 17/01/2022 | 05/04/2022 | 12/04/2022 | Qualsevol especialitat |
James S. McDonnell Foundation Opportunity Awards | Announcement "closed " | James S. McDonnell Foundation | Projectes de recerca | 30/12/2021 | 31/03/2022 | 01/04/2022 | Qualsevol especialitat |
RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researcher (SPDR) Programme 2022 | Announcement "closed " | RIKEN | Mobilitat | 01/02/2022 | 31/03/2022 | 07/04/2022 | Qualsevol especialitat |
Contratos predoctorales de formación en investigación (PFIS) 2022 | Announcement "closed " | Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Recursos Humans | 09/02/2022 | 30/03/2022 | 06/04/2022 | Qualsevol especialitat |
Ayuda a la investigación, clínica o básica en Pediatría | Announcement "closed " | ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE PEDIATRÍA | Projectes de recerca | 17/01/2022 | 29/03/2022 | 05/04/2022 | Qualsevol especialitat |
BECA INVEST-AEP "Aprendiendo a Investigar" | Announcement "closed " | Asociación Española De Pediatria | Recursos Humans | 01/02/2022 | 29/03/2022 | 05/04/2022 | Pediatria |
Premio Alberto Rábano | Announcement "closed " | Fundación Romanillos | Awards | 01/03/2022 | 29/03/2022 | 05/04/2022 | Qualsevol especialitat |
Premios Rei Jaume I | Announcement "closed " | Fundación Premios Rei Jaume I | Awards | 17/01/2022 | 29/03/2022 | 05/04/2022 | Qualsevol especialitat |
4a. Convocatoria de los Premios a la Investigación Fundación Jesús Serra | Announcement "closed " | Fundación Jesús Serra | Projectes de recerca | 17/01/2022 | 25/03/2022 | 01/04/2022 | Qualsevol especialitat |