COST Actions - 2025

Announcement "open"
caduca en menys de 10 dies
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European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

COST (CO-operation in Science and Technology) is a pan-European intergovernmental framework dedicated to science and technology networking activities to allow participants to develop ideas and new initiatives across all scientific disciplines. COST enables breakthrough scientific developments leading to new concepts, services and products, thereby strengthening European research and innovation capacities. The COST Mission is to strengthen Europe's capacity to address scientific, technological and societal challenges, by funding bottom-up, excellence-driven, open and inclusive networks in all areas of science and technology. COST implements its mission by funding bottom-up, excellence-driven, open and inclusive networks for peaceful purposes in all areas of science and technology.

Objective of the call
The objective of the call is to fund bottom-up, excellence-driven, open and inclusive networks for peaceful purposes in all areas of science and technology. Proposals must contribute to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe to close the gap between science, policymakers and society. The call is transversal and open to ideas in all fields of Science and Technology. The call fosters multi- and interdisciplinary projects, aiming to enable breakthrough scientific developments leading to new concepts and products.


No budget forecast is requested when submitting a proposal as the grants are variable and depend on the size of the network and the overall budget available. An estimated 125,000 euros is available for a COST Action in its first year and an average of 150,000 euros per year for the other 3 years.

Project duration

4 years


Eligible applicants
COST Actions are open to researchers and innovators affiliated with a legal entity located in one of the 41 COST Member States or any of the Near Neighbour Countries (NNCs) or International Partner Countries (IPCs). Participants can apply at any stage of their career. The participation of researchers from less research-intensive countries across Europe is required: these countries are denominated Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs). The complete list of these countries is available in the call guidelines.
A legal entity can be a public entity (national, regional, local public authority or any other kind of public entity), a university, a research centre, a company, an association, Specific Organisation or any other form of legal entity recognised under a national or international framework

Partnership criteria
The Network must include at least 7 proposers affiliated with entities located in at least 7 different COST Members. At least 50% of the proposers must come from COST ITCs, following the scheme detailed in the annex to the call. There can be more than one proposer per institution.


In case of interest, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.