EJP RD – Networking Support Scheme (NSS) Call

Announcement "closed"
European Joint Programme
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

The Networking Support Scheme (NSS) of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases is funding quarterly networking initiatives in the field of rare diseases and rare cancers, bringing together health care professionals, researchers, patient advocacy groups, Early Career Scientists and other relevant stakeholders.

The first aim of the Networking Support Scheme in the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) is to encourage sharing of knowledge on rare diseases or rare cancers between health care professionals, researchers and patients in new or expanding research networks by funding networking events.

The second aim of the Networking Support Scheme is to enable or increase the participation of usually underrepresented countries in Europe in new and in expanding research networks on rare diseases or rare cancers.


Rare disease researchers and health care professionals working in universities, other higher education institutions, public research institutes , or in the clinical/public health sector (hospitals/public health and/or other health care settings and health organisations) established in the countries involved in the EJP RD are eligible to apply.

Only transnational networks will be funded. The consortium submitting an application for a networking budget must involve a minimum of three eligible applicants (researchers and/or health care professionals and/or patient advocacy organisations) from at least three different countries participating in the EJP RD at the time of the application.


Applying consortia who intend to submit a transnational proposal for a networking event should register at the ZonMw electronic application system ProjectNet. Instructions for registration and application on this system are published on the EJP RD website.

There will be a one-stage submission procedure for the applications. An application template (in English) has to be completed by the applicants and must be submitted by the principal applicant using the electronic submission system ProjectNet of ZonMw with the link: http://projectnet.zonmw.nl/projectnet/servlet/projectnet?subsidyGuide&id=200003287.

If you are interested, please contact frecerca.internacional(ELIMINAR)@sjd.es