Nursing research

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SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

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Nursing Science: Knowledge at the Service of Patient Care.

In the field of Health Sciences, nurses develop the scientific discipline through care research:

“Researching in care always requires setting as a research objective the evaluation of the impact of nursing interventions in relation to the capacities, attitudes, and knowledge of the cared-for people." (Alberdi, 2006)

From this premise and others such as the regulations that relate the scientific attitude of different nursing professionals, in addition to the deployment of nurses in Specialized Health Training (FSE), the advancement in the 21st century in relation to precision health, which encompasses multiple disciplines and incorporates environmental, social, cultural, economic, and lifestyle data as vital factors in people's health, research competencies raise the need for synergy and institutional promotion to:

Generate scientific knowledge in the professional field.
Disseminate knowledge through the implementation of EBP.
Base clinical practice on the best available evidence.

Learning and practicing research are key elements in nursing care science. Nursing research is a transversal competence that draws on scientific knowledge and simultaneously creates knowledge for the culture of evidence-based practice. Therefore, nursing scientific production is necessary to maintain, promote, and adapt to social demands.

The generation of knowledge and the improvement of evidence-based clinical practice (EBCP) is the foundation that should allow professional development and improvement in the science of care.

In relation to care, nursing professionals work to demonstrate its appropriateness and provision from the perspective of quality and safety. The constant search for the best professional practice to offer the population in vulnerable situations a provision of nursing care results in the development of their own lines of research to work on new hypotheses and their validation for clinical practice.

Research lines

  1. Safety: focused on improving patient and family safety. Principal investigators: Carmen Jerez, Concepción Agustín, Maribel Ferrer, Eva M. Luján, and Miriam Moya.
  2. Chronicity: aimed at empowering the patient with chronic pathology and their families, to promote self-care by acquiring specific skills that allow them to manage their health problems and improve their biological, emotional, functional, spiritual, and social well-being, ultimately, their quality of life. Principal investigators: Gemma Pérez, Silvia Ciprés, Carmen Yoldi, and Miriam Pintor.
  3. Patient and family experience: focused on understanding and evaluating the patient and family experience as a powerful tool to identify opportunities for improving the care process, relevant to the patient and caregivers. Principal investigators: M. Dolors Navarro, Alba Rapero, Anna Negre, Rosa Carmona, and Montserrat Gutiérrez.
  4. Digital technology: focused on improving the efficiency and quality of care processes through the use of ICT and robotics. Principal investigators: Jordi Mitja, Mª Pilar Hornillos.

Scientific objectives

  1. Develop a care research strategy to foster and coordinate translational and interdisciplinary research in the nursing discipline.
  2. Develop a strategy for implementing scientific evidence in relation to the results of research studies conducted.
  3. Promote evidence-based practice to ensure that care is of higher quality, safer, and offers better care to patients/families institutionally.
  4. Create a culture of nursing research to improve knowledge and training in scientific methodology to meet the needs of the population served through improved professional practice.
  5. Generate knowledge in care through innovation and the creation of various initiatives to improve the quality of life of the patients/families we serve.
  6. Generate knowledge by integrating patients and families into research processes as proactive and legitimate members through their empowerment.
  7. Develop guidelines for best practices in nursing research, protocols, and patents.

Area/Field of expertise

Research produces significant improvements for the professionals who develop it, not only by updating knowledge but also by increasing analytical capacity and critical thinking; aspects highly relevant for dissemination among other professionals and contributing to improving care work.

In relation to the institution, it guarantees greater efficiency in care processes and obtaining clinical improvements and patient and family satisfaction. Additionally, it saves on healthcare costs.

Therefore, as professionals of a scientific discipline, we must work on producing research that impacts the field of nursing care and, consequently, achieving exceptional care for our patients. Personalized, holistic, and comprehensive care, clinical practice based on scientific evidence, achieving rapid recovery and/or empowerment in home care are milestones that can contribute to improving the quality of life or the experience in our institution.

The different professionals who form the Clinical Group Associates in nursing care are nurses who bring expertise and leadership in different areas. They work on their scientific production, but also in collaboration with other institutions and disciplines because the greatest satisfaction comes from collective work and contributions to provide future solutions for the population we care for.

The Nursing Directorate of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu has a care research plan with centralized research in the Nursing Knowledge and Management Area (ACiSGI) through the figure of the research support nurse, who works with a research committee comprising representatives of each line leader and meets bimonthly. Parallelly, work is done with the research and teaching direction and university professionals to add knowledge and create professional synergies.

Group members

Last Publications

More Publications


Project name:
Les narratives clíniques de la mort: una oportunitat per al desenvolupament ètic dels professionals?
Pau Miquel Diego
Funding entities:
Fundació Víctor Grifols i Lucas, Miquel Diego, Pau
Starting - finishing date:
2021 - 2024
Project name:
Seroprevalencia de la infección por SARS-COV-2 en los empleados del hospital matenor-infantil Sant Joan de Déu
Laura Lahuerta Valls
Funding entities:
Fundació Infermeria i Societat
Starting - finishing date:
2021 - 2021
Project name:
PREDIGIT_Prescribing Digital Therapeutics
Mª Dolors Navarro Rubio
Funding entities:
EIT Health e.V
Starting - finishing date:
2020 - 2020
More projects


  • Relationship between eating and sleeping pattern in people with ASD in comparison with ADHD and healthy controls.
  • Canvi en el model d'atenció d'una unitat assistencial per a famílies amb fills amb malaltia crònica greu, en situació d'alta complexitat i necessitats pal·liatives a través de la transformació digital
    Peñarrubia San Florencio, Lucía
  • Valores profesionales y su percepción en torno a la formación académica en estudiantes y profesionales de enfermería
More Theses