Carmen Yoldi Vergara


Research group

Nursing research

Research line:


Carmen Yoldi graduated in Nursing in 1994 from the University of Barcelona. Between 1998 and 2000, she trained in caring for people with chronic health problems at the Hôpital Universitaire de Genève. In 2022, she obtained a Postgraduate Degree in Health Education Methodology from the University of Barcelona, and in 2023, a Postgraduate Degree in Therapeutic Education in Diabetes from the Spanish Federation of Diabetes Educators Associations.

She holds a Master's in Nursing Sciences from the Universitat Jaume I (Castellón) and a Master's in Foundations for the Care and Education of People with Diabetes from the University of Barcelona. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Medicine and Translational Research at the University of Barcelona.

Since 2022, she has been the coordinator of the course Management, Planning, and Evaluation of Programs in the Master's in Foundations for the Care and Education of People with Diabetes, and a collaborator in the Master's in Endocrinology of Children and Adolescents since 2012, both at the University of Barcelona.

She has been a member of the board of directors of theAssociació Catalana de Diabetis, serving as a member (2001-2003), secretary (2003-2005), and second vice-president (2012-2015). She was also a member of the Consell Assessor de la Diabetis de Catalunya of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2013-2017) and a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) (2020-2024). She belongs to the Therapeutic Education Group, where she has served as secretary, and the Applied Technologies Group for Diabetes, both of the SED.

She is a member of the editorial committee of the journal Diabetes, published by the SED and aimed at people with diabetes and their family and social environment (2021-2023).

In 2022, she was accredited as an Advanced Practice Nurse in Diabetes at the SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital.

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Project name:
Validación a la lengua española del cuestionario de adherencia al tratamiento Diabetes Management Questionnaire (DMQ) para niños con diabetes tipo 1.
Carmen Yoldi Vergara
Funding entities:
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu - Esplugues HSJD
Starting - finishing date:
2018 - 2019
Project name:
Validación a la lengua española del cuestionario de adherencia al tratamiento Diabetes Management Questionnaire (DMQ) para niños con diabetes tipo 1
Carmen Yoldi Vergara
Funding entities:
Sociedad Española de Diabetes
Starting - finishing date:
2017 - 2019
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