Paediatric Cancer Treatment
Research Program
Where we are
SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Related websites
Paediatric cancer affects over 1000 children in Spain each year, 80% of whom survive more than 5 years after treatment. There are, however, still some paediatric cancers that are incurable.
Our work focuses on experimentally addressing this urgent clinical need in patients with the worst prognosis. We carry out laboratory (preclinical) projects based on small tumour samples (biopsies) from these patients which we use to create laboratory models that are then used in experimental studies for new treatments. These new treatments are developed by our research group and/or our collaborators.
Thanks to these preclinical research projects, we are currently conducting phase 1 clinical trials in the paediatric population with retinal and brain cancer.
Our research on retinoblastoma (retinal cancer) virotherapy is well known and is already being applied in children with promising results. We were extremely excited to receive the Schweisguth Prize from SIOP (Société Internationale d'Oncologie Pédiatrique) and the Vanguàrdia Science Award for this work.
Our scientific output is diverse. The results of our studies have been published in various prestigious journals in the fields of translational medicine, pharmaceutical sciences and bioengineering (e.g., Science Translational Medicine, Biomaterials, Journal of Controlled Release, Advanced Healthcare Materials) and we have participated in publications in the most prestigious scientific sources (Science, Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Genetics, Cancer Cell, JEM, Nature Communications, Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research).
The main objectives of our research programme are:
1. To establish a platform for preclinical paediatric solid tumour models.
2. To conduct preclinical translational research on the efficacy of new therapeutic candidates.
3. To develop new drug delivery systems tailored to our patients.
4. To characterise how medicines are distributed in the body in order to fully understand their therapeutic effect
Research lines
- Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) and cerebral gliomatosis: pharmacological therapy and immunotherapy.
- Retinoblastoma: advanced therapy with oncolytic adenoviruses.
- Extracranial solid tumours: selective therapies with new drug delivery systems.
- Solid tumours with poor prognosis in relapse: precision therapies.
- Blood-brain barrier: possible pharmacological strategies to cross it.
Scientific objectives
- To develop pharmacological treatments for DIPG, cerebral gliomatosis and other paediatric brain tumours with poor prognosis.
- To develop drug delivery systems in paediatric oncology, with a better profile of tumour selectivity, greater efficacy and lower toxicity.
- To develop innovative pharmacological treatments for extracranial solid paediatric tumours such as Ewing's sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, osteosarcoma and neuroblastoma.
- To develop treatments for retinoblastoma based on the combination of oncolytic adenoviruses and chemotherapy.
- To develop immunotherapy treatments for DIPG and other brain tumours.
Area/Field of expertise
We have expertise in the following areas:
- Development of cell models and patient-derived xenografts (PDX) of paediatric solid tumours (retinoblastoma, neuroblastoma, DIPG, high-grade gliomas, medulloblastoma, AT-RT, rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, osteosarcoma, Wilms' tumour, germ cell tumours, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours) from biobank samples.
- Efficacy tests of anticancer agents used to treat paediatric solid tumours.
- Pharmacokinetic assays of anticancer agents in the central nervous system and in paediatric solid tumours.
- Biological sampling by microdialysis and analysis by high-resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC).
- Development of biopolymer drug delivery systems for paediatric solid tumours.

Group members
Jefe de Grupo Senior
Investigador colaborador
Investigador colaborador
Investigador colaborador
Ayudante de investigación
Investigador pre-doc
Investigador post-doc
Investigador pre-doc
Investigador pre-doc
Investigador pre-doc
Investigador pre-doc
Chao Liang
Ayudante de investigación
Jacqueline Mohr
Last Publications
- Sampor C, Alonso R, Durañona M, Gorostegui M, Antillón-Klussmann F, Lopes LF, Cappellano AM, Gonzalez-Ramella O, Lobos P, Palma J, Grynszpancholc E, Vasquez L, Morales-La Madrid A, Moreira DC, Cruz-Martínez O and Chantada G The TeLeo Program: Tele-education in pediatric oncology as a tool to support training programs in Latin America. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 71(12): .
- Gorostegui-Obanos M, Chantada L, Filho NPC, Gonzalez-Ramella O, Serrano B MJ, Valencia D, Sampor C, Macedo C, Ramirez O, Sardinas S, Lezcano E, Calderón P, Gamboa Y, Fu L, Gómez W, Schelotto M, Ugaz C, Lobos P, Moreno K, Palma J, Sánchez G, Moschella F, Gassant PYH, Velasquez T, Quintero K, Forteza M, Villarroel M, Moreno F, Alabi SF, Vasquez L, Lowe J, Cappellano A, Challinor J and Chantada G International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) Global Mapping Program: Analysis of healthcare centers in countries of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Oncology (SLAOP). PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 71(11): .
- Huchede P, Meyer S, Berthelot C, Hamadou M, Bertrand-Chapel A, Rakotomalala A, Manceau L, Tomine J, Lespinasse N, Lewandowski P, Cordier-Bussat M, Broutier L, Dutour A, Rochet I, Blay JY, Degletagne C, Attignon V, Carcaboso AM, Le Grand M, Pasquier E, Vasiljevic A, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Meignan S, Leblond P, Ribes V, Cosset E and Castets M BMP2 and BMP7 cooperate with H3.3K27M to promote quiescence and invasiveness in pediatric diffuse midline gliomas. eLife . 12: .
- Project name:
- GLIOMATCH_The malignant Glioma immuno-oncology matchmaker: towards data-driven precision medicine using spatially resolved radio-multiomics
- Leader
- Andrés Morales La Madrid
- Funding entities:
- European Commission
- Code
- 101136670
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2024 - 2028
- Project name:
- Ensayo clínico de seguridad y factibilidad de inmunoterapia celular: Células dendríticas autólogas pulsadas con un lisado de líneas tumorales alogénicas, asociadas con CART anti-IL13Ra2 en pacientes con tumor difuso intrínseco de tronco (DIPG) (fase Ib)
- Leader
- Andrés Morales La Madrid
- Funding entities:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Code
- ICI23/00063
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2024 - 2027
- Project name:
- Formación de doctores del programa nacional de formación de profesorado universitario 2022. Beneficiari: Núria Martínez
- Leader
- Angel Montero Carcaboso
- Funding entities:
- Ministerio De Universidades
- Code
- FPU22/00395
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2023 - 2027
Tumor secretome-mediated pro-tumoral microenvironment in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma
- Author
- Baulenas Farrés, Mercè
- Institution
Inhibition of the PI3K/Akt pathway as a therapeutic strategy for pediatric-type diffuse high-grade gliomas
- Author
- Balaguer Lluna, Leire
- Institution
Boosting the infection and oncolysis of adenovirus VCN-01 with topotecan
- Author
- Burgueño Sandoval, Víctor
- Institution
Gate2Brain Receives EMA Orphan Drug Designation for Its Groundbreaking Pediatric Cancer Treatment
Gate2Brain, has reached a major milestone in the fight against pediatric brain tumors by obtaining Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for its innovative product, G2B-002.
Researchers from IRSJD and IRB Barcelona unveil the origin of second pediatric cancers and chemotherapy-induced mutations in healthy tissues
A team from Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu and IRB Barcelona has studied the cases of four children who have experienced two cancers during childhood and has addressed the origin of the second tumour. The work has been published in the journal Cancer Discovery.
Gate2Brain recognized by the Wild Card program at Pediatric Innovation Day
The Wild Card program in the field of pediatrics, powered by EIT Health and the pediatric innovation hub i4KIDS, has selected the start-up Gate2Brain to participate in its acceleration program.
More activities
Defensa tesi doctoral: Mercè Baulenas Farrés
Auditori Plaza · Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and online
Defensa tesi doctoral: Leire Balaguer Lluna
Auditori Plaza · Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and online
Defensa tesi doctoral: Víctor Burgueño Sandoval
Auditori Plaza · Hospital Sant Joan de Déu