Medical technologies: Instrumentation and eHealth

Where we are

Centre de Recerca en Enginyeria Biomèdica (CREB) UPC

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The Instrumentation and e-Health group works together with hospitals and other institutions to develop software and hardware using sensors that record bioelectric and biomechanical signals. The aim is to capture data that can be applied to the clinical setting and telemedicine, to sports monitoring and to enhance patient autonomy. The group also specialises in the study and testing of compliance with electromagnetic compatibility and equipment safety regulations.

Scientific objectives

  1. To create devices and methods for non-intrusive monitoring of physiological parameters.
    1. To monitor activity using smartphones and wearables with ad hoc sensors.
    2. To develop methods to assess adherence to healthy lifestyles.
    3. Early detection of drowsiness in risk activities.
  2. Electrical characterisation of biological cells and tissues.
    1. Characterisation and intraventricular mapping of post-infarct myocardium before and after radiofrequency ablation.
    2. Local characterisation of pathological lung tissue in situ, using invasive bronchoscopy.
    3. Characterisation of muscle damage during intense exercise using local electrical bioimpedance.

Area/Field of expertise

Our research group specialises in the design of measurement methods, equipment and instrumentation systems for Medicine, Biotechnology and Food Technology. The research, innovation and transfer activity of the group is structured around three distinct areas:

  • Systems engineering and medical equipment
  • Electrical impedance spectroscopy and tomography
  • Electromagnetic compatibility and safety of electrical equipment

Our group's extensive experience includes research and development projects for companies and hospitals in medical equipment for cardiology, pneumology, nephrology, psychology and nutrition. We investigate and offer support to other groups or companies from the conception of systems to their final implementation, spanning all stages from electronic design, electrical risks analysis, electromagnetic compatibility analysis and design of software applications (Windows, IOS, Android, electronic test, functional test, validation in hospital settings, etc.). We have been a consolidated SGR research group since 1997. We actively participate in projects financed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation (MINCIN, MICYT, CICYT), the European Union (VI FP, VII FP, H2020), the Government of Catalonia (SGR, Tecnio, etc.), private foundations (La Marató de TV3 Foundation, MAPFRE Foundation, Investigaciónixa, etc.) and research contracts with private companies.

Group members


  • Temporal and frequency differentiation of healthy and pathological lung tissue through minimally invasive electrical impedance spectroscopy
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