Urreizti R, Lopez-Martin E, Martinez-Monseny T, Pujadas M, Castilla-Vallmanya L, Pérez-Jurado LA, Serrano M, Natera-de Benito D, Martínez-Delgado B, Posada-de-la-Paz M, Alonso J, Marin-Reina P, O'Callaghan-Gordo M, Grinberg-Vaisman DR, Bermejo-Sánchez E and Balcells S.
Five new cases of syndromic intellectual disability due to KAT6A mutations: widening the molecular and clinical spectrum
ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES . 15(1): 44-44. Number of citations: 21
Leon E, Diaz J, Castilla-Vallmanya L, Grinberg-Vaisman DR, Balcells S and Urreizti R.
Extending the phenotypic spectrum of Bohring-Opitz syndrome: Mild case confirmed by functional studies.
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART A . 182(1): 201-204. Number of citations: 5
Urreizti R, Mayer K, Evrony GD, Said E, Castilla-Vallmanya L, Cody NAL, Plasencia G, Gelb BD, Grinberg-Vaisman DR, Brinkmann U, Webb BD and Balcells S.
DPH1 syndrome: two novel variants and structural and functional analyses of seven missense variants identified in syndromic patients.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS . 28(1): 64-75. Number of citations: 15
Mason S, Castilla-Vallmanya L, James C, Andrews PI, Balcells S, Grinberg-Vaisman DR, Kirk EP and Urreizti R.
Case report of a child bearing a novel deleterious splicing variant in PIGT
Medicine . 98(8): . Number of citations: 7
Urreizti R, Gürsoy S, Castilla-Vallmanya L, Cunill G, Rabionet-Janssen R, Erçal D, Grinberg-Vaisman DR and Balcells S.
The ASXL1 mutation p.Gly646Trpfs*12 found in a Turkish boy with Bohring-Opitz Syndrome.
clinical case reports . 6(8): 1452-1456. Number of citations: 4
Urreizti R, Damanti S, Esteve-Matanza C, Franco-Valls H, Castilla-Vallmanya L, Tonda R, Cormand B, Vilageliu L, Opitz JM, Neri G, Grinberg-Vaisman DR and Balcells S.
A De Novo FOXP1 Truncating Mutation in a Patient Originally Diagnosed as C Syndrome
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 8: 694-694. Number of citations: 11
De-Ugarte L, Yoskovitz G, Balcells S, Güerri-Fernández R, Martinez-Diaz S, Mellibovsky L, Urreizti R, Nogués X, Grinberg-Vaisman DR, García-Giralt N and Díez-Pérez A.
Erratum to: MiRNA profiling of whole trabecular bone: identification of osteoporosis-related changes in MiRNAs in human hip bones.
BMC MEDICAL GENOMICS . 10(1): 36-36. Number of citations: 2
Urreizti R, Cueto-Gonzalez, Ana Maria, Franco-Valls, Héctor, Mort-Farre, Silvia, Roca N, Ponomarenko, Julia, Cozzuto, Luca, Company, Carlos, Bosio M, Ossowski, Stephan, Montfort, Magda, Hecht, Jochen, Tizzano, Eduardo, Cormand B, Vilageliu L, Opitz, John, Neri, Giovanni, Grinberg-Vaisman DR and Balcells S.
A De Novo Nonsense Mutation in MAGEL2 in a Patient Initially Diagnosed as Opitz-C: Similarities Between Schaaf-Yang and Opitz-C Syndromes.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 7: 44138-44138. Number of citations: 29
Urreizti R, Roca N, Trepat J, Garcia-Garcia F, Aleman A, Orteschi D, Marangi G, Neri G, Opitz JM, Dopazo J, Cormand B, Vilageliu L, Balcells S and Grinberg-Vaisman DR.
Screening of CD96 and ASXL1 in 11 patients with Opitz C or Bohring-Opitz syndromes.
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART A . 170A(1): 24-31. Number of citations: 11
De-Ugarte L, Yoskovitz G, Balcells S, Güerri-Fernández R, Martinez-Diaz S, Mellibovsky L, Urreizti R, Nogués X, Grinberg-Vaisman DR, García-Giralt N and Díez-Pérez A.
MiRNA profiling of whole trabecular bone: identification of osteoporosis-related changes in MiRNAs in human hip bones.
BMC MEDICAL GENOMICS . 8: 75-75. Number of citations: 80