Search publications


  • Siddi S, Preti A, Lara E, Brebion G, Vila R, Iglesias M, Cuevas-Esteban J, López-Carrilero R, Butjosa A and Haro JM.

    Comparison of the touch-screen and traditional versions of the Corsi block-tapping test in patients with psychosis and healthy controls.

    BMC Psychiatry . 20(1): 329-329. Number of citations: 22


  • Rubio-Valera M, Peñarrubia-María MT, Iglesias M, Martin Knapp, Pau McCrone, Roig M, Sabes R, Luciano JV, Mendive JM, Murrugara-Centurión AG, Alonso J and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Cost-effectiveness of antidepressants versus active monitoring for mild-to-moderate major depressive disorder: a multisite non-randomized-controlled trial in primary care (INFAP study).

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS . 20(5): 703-713. Number of citations: 3


  • Aznar I, Iglesias M, Rubio-Valera M, Peñarrubia-María MT, Mendive JM, Murrugarra-Centurión AG, Gil MM, González Suñer L, Peuters C and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Diagnostic accuracy and treatment approach to depression in primary care: predictive factors

    FAMILY PRACTICE . 36(1): 3-11. Number of citations: 4


  • Iglesias M, Aznar I, Peñarrubia-María MT, Gil MM, Fernández-Vergel R, Alonso J, Serrano-Blanco A and Rubio-Valera M.

    Effectiveness of watchful waiting versus antidepressants for patients diagnosed of mild to moderate depression in primary care: A 12-month pragmatic clinical trial (INFAP study).

    EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY . 53: 66-73. Number of citations: 10


  • Russo DA, Stochl J, Hodgekins J, Iglesias M, Chipps P, Painter M, Jones PB and Perez J.

    Attachment styles and clinical correlates in people at ultra high risk for psychosis.

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY . 109(1): 45-62. Number of citations: 13


  • Aznar I, Iglesias M, Gil MM, Serrano-Blanco A, Fernández A, Peñarrubia-María MT, Sabés-Figuera R, Murrugarra-Centurión AG, March-Pujol M, Bolívar-Prados M and Rubio-Valera M.

    Impact of initial medication non-adherence to SSRIs on medical visits and sick leaves.

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 226: 282-286. Number of citations: 10


  • Iglesias M, Aznar I, Gil MM, Moreno-Peral P, Peñarrubia-María MT, Rubio-Valera M and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Comparing watchful waiting with antidepressants for the management of subclinical depression symptoms to mild-moderate depression in primary care: a systematic review.

    FAMILY PRACTICE . 34(6): 639-648. Number of citations: 12


  • Cuevas-Esteban J, Iglesias M, Rubio-Valera M, Serra-Mestres J, Serrano-Blanco A and Baladon L.

    Prevalence and characteristics of catatonia on admission to an acute geriatric psychiatry ward.

