Search publications


  • García-Alix A, Arnaez J, Arca G, Agut-Quijano T, Alarcon A, Martín-Ancel A, Girabent-Farres M, Valverde E and Benavente-Fernandez I.

    Development, Reliability, and Testing of a New Rating Scale for Neonatal Encephalopathy

    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 235: 83-91. Number of citations: 9


  • François C, Rodriguez-Fornells A, Teixidó M, Agut-Quijano T and Bosch L.

    Attenuated brain responses to speech sounds in moderate preterm infants at term age.

    DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE . 24(1): 12990. Number of citations: 11


  • Cizmeci MN, Groenendaal F, Liem KD, van Haastert IC, Benavente-Fernández I, van Straaten HLM, Steggerda S, Smit BJ, Whitelaw A, Woerdeman P, Heep A, de Vries LS and ELVIS study group.

    Randomized Controlled Early versus Late Ventricular Intervention Study in Posthemorrhagic Ventricular Dilatation: Outcome at 2 Years.

    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 226: 28. Number of citations: 54


  • Nuñez C, Arca G, Agut-Quijano T, Stephan-Otto C and García-Alix A.

    Precise neonatal arterial ischemic stroke classification with a three-dimensional map of the arterial territories of the neonatal brain

    PEDIATRIC RESEARCH . 87(7): 1231-1236. Number of citations: 5


  • León-Lozano MZ, Arnaez J, Valls-Lafon A, Arca G, Agut-Quijano T, Alarcon A and García-Alix A.

    Cerebrospinal fluid levels of neuron-specific enolase predict the severity of brain damage in newborns with neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treated with hypothermia

    PLoS One . 15(6): . Number of citations: 22


  • Agut-Quijano T, Alarcon A, Cabañas F, Bartocci M, Martinez-Biarge M, Horsch S and eurUS.brain group.

    Preterm white matter injury: ultrasound diagnosis and classification

    PEDIATRIC RESEARCH . 87(SUPPL 1): 37-49. Number of citations: 65


  • Arca G, Arnaez J, Agut-Quijano T, Nuñez C, Stephan-Otto C, Valls-Lafon A and García-Alix A.

    Neuron-specific enolase is correlated with lesion topology, relative infarct volume and outcome of symptomatic NAIS

    ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD-FETAL AND NEONATAL EDITION . 105(2): 132-137. Number of citations: 11


  • Echeverría-Palacio CM, Agut-Quijano T, Arnaez J, Valls-Lafon A, Reyne M and García-Alix A.

    Neuron-Specific Enolase in Cerebrospinal Fluid Predicts Brain Injury After Sudden Unexpected Postnatal Collapse

    PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY . 101: 71-77. Number of citations: 16


  • Batista Muñoz A, Hadley S, Iriondo-Sanz M, Agut-Quijano T and Camprubí-Camprubí M.

    Role of beta-2-microglobulin as a biomarker in very preterm and extremely preterm infants with CNS inflammation

    PLoS One . 14(5): . Number of citations: 11


  • Cizmeci MN, Khalili N, Claessens NHP, Groenendaal F, Liem KD, Heep A, Benavente-Fernández I, van Straaten HLM, van Wezel-Meijler G, Steggerda SJ, Dudink J, Išgum I, Whitelaw A, Benders MJNL, de Vries LS and ELVIS study group.

    Assessment of Brain Injury and Brain Volumes after Posthemorrhagic Ventricular Dilatation: A Nested Substudy of the Randomized Controlled ELVIS Trial.

    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 208: 191. Number of citations: 35
