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  • de la Oliva P, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Quintana-Díaz M, Rey-Galán C, Sánchez-Díaz JI, Martín-Delgado MC, de Carlos-Vicente JC, Hernández-Rastrollo R, Holanda-Peña MS, Pilar-Orive FJ, Ocete-Hita E, Rodríguez-Núñez A, Serrano-González A and Blanch L.

    Admission, discharge and triage guidelines for paediatric intensive care units in Spain.

    MEDICINA INTENSIVA . 42(4): 235-246. Number of citations: 9


  • Benito-Fernández S, López-Parellada R, Esteban-Torne E, Hernandez-Platero L, Prat S, Esparza M, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ and Esteban ME.

    Pattern of severe injuries in Spanish children: boys and falls are alarmingly overrepresented

    Biorxiv . : .


  • Rodríguez-Guerineau L, Pérez-Cruz M, Gómez-Roig MD, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Carretero JM, Prada F, Gómez O, Crispi F and Bartrons J.

    Cardiovascular adaptation to extrauterine life after intrauterine growth restriction

    CARDIOLOGY IN THE YOUNG . 28(2): 284-291. Number of citations: 15


  • Bobillo-Perez S, Rodríguez-Fanjul J, Solé-Ribalta A, Moreno-Hernando J, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Esteban-Torne E, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ and Jordán-García I.

    Kinetics of Procalcitonin in Pediatric Patients on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.

    Biomarker Insights . 13: . Number of citations: 8


  • Alejandre-Galobardes C, Vila-Perez D, Benito-Fernández S, Corniero-Alonso P, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Segura-Matute S, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ and Jordán-García I.

    Intravenous clonidine: a useful and safety sedation for critically ill children

    International Journal of Pediatric Research . 3(1): 27.


  • Álvarez Escudero J, Paredes Esteban RM, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Vento M, López Gil M, de Agustín Asencio JC and Moral Pumarega MT.

    Más de 3 horas y menos de 3 años: Seguridad de procedimientos anestésicos en menores de 3 años sometidos a cirugía de más de 3 horas.

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 87(4): 236-236.


  • Balaguer-Gargallo M, Alejandre-Galobardes C, Vila-Perez D, Esteban-Torne E, Carrasco JL, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ and Jordán-García I.

    Bronchiolitis Score of Sant Joan de Deu: BROSJOD Score, validation and usefulness

    PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY . 52(4): 533-539. Number of citations: 44


  • Agra Tuñas MC, Hernández Rastrollo R, Hernández González A, Ramil Fraga C, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Quintero Otero S, Ruiz Extremera A and Rodríguez Núñez A.

    Actitudes éticas de los pediatras de Cuidados Intensivos ante pacientes con atrofia muscular espinal tipo 1.

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 86(3): 151-157. Number of citations: 1


  • Pons-Odena M, Verges A, Arza N and Cambra-Lasaosa FJ.

    Combined use of Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) and Vertical Expandable Prostethic Titanium Rib (VEPTR) in a patient with Spondylocostal dysostosis and associated bronchomalacia.

    BMJ Case Reports . 2017: 1-4. Number of citations: 1


  • Álvarez Escudero J, Paredes Esteban RM, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Vento M, López Gil M, de Agustín Asencio JC and Moral Pumarega MT.

    More than 3 hours and less than 3 years old. Safety of anesthetic procedures in children under 3 years of age, subject to surgeries of more than 3 hours.

    REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ANESTESIOLOGIA Y REANIMACION . 64(10): 577-584. Number of citations: 1
