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  • Inarejos E, Vilanova JC, Riaza L and Guirao-Marín S.

    A primary inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the scapula in a child: imaging findings

    SKELETAL RADIOLOGY . 44(5): 733-737. Number of citations: 4


  • Oyewumi M, Inarejos E, Greer ML, Hassouneh B, Campisi P, Forte V and Propst EJ.

    Ultrasound to differentiate thyroglossal duct cysts and dermoid cysts in children.

    Laryngoscope . 125(4): 998-1003. Number of citations: 18


  • Inarejos E, Garrido Ruiz G and Andreu Soriano J.

    Presentacin radiolgica mediante TCMD de las metstasis pancreticas del carcinoma de clulas renales.

    Radiologia . 55(2): 148-153.
