Search publications


  • Tibaldi G, Salvador-Carulla L and García-Gutierrez JC.

    From treatment adherence to advanced shared decision making: new professional strategies and attitudes in mental health care.

    Current Clinical Pharmacology . 6(2): 91-99.

  • Haveman M, Perry J, Salvador-Carulla L, Walsh PN, Kerr M, Van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk H, Van Hove G, Berger DM, Azema B, Buono S, Cara AC, Germanavicius A, Linehan C, Määttä T, Tossebro J and Weber G.

    Ageing and health status in adults with intellectual disabilities: results of the European POMONA II study.

    J INTELLECT DEV DIS . 36(1): 49-60. Number of citations: 112


  • Gili M, Sesé A, Bauza N, Serrano MJ, Salvador-Carulla L, Molina R and Roca M.

    Mental disorders, chronic conditions and psychological factors: a path analysis model for healthcare consumption in general practice.

    INT REV PSYCHIATR . 23(1): 20-27. Number of citations: 7


  • Salvador-Carulla L, Salinas-Pérez JA, Martín M, Grané MS, Gibert K, Roca M and Bulbena A.

    A preliminary taxonomy and a standard knowledge base for mental-health system indicators in Spain.

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS . 4: 29-29. Number of citations: 19


  • Perry J, Linehan C, Kerr M, Salvador-Carulla L, Zeilinger E, Weber G, Walsh P, van Schrojenstein Lantman-de-Valk H, Haveman M, Azema B, Buono S, Câra AC, Germanavicius A, Van Hove G, Määttä T, Berger DM and Tossebro J.

    The P15 - a multinational assessment battery for collecting data on health indicators relevant to adults with intellectual disabilities.

    JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH . 54(11): 981-991. Number of citations: 25


  • Mezzich JE, Salloum IM, Cloninger CR, Salvador-Carulla L, Kirmayer LJ, Banzato CE, Wallcraft J and Botbol M.

    Person-centred integrative diagnosis: conceptual bases and structural model.



  • Veenstra MY, Walsh PN, van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk HM, Haveman MJ, Linehan C, Kerr MP, Weber G, Salvador-Carulla L, Carmen-Cara A, Azema B, Buono S, Germanavicius A, Tossebro J, Maatta T, van Hove G and Moravec D.

    Sampling and ethical issues in a multicenter study on health of people with intellectual disabilities.

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY . 63(10): 1091-1100. Number of citations: 19


  • Salvador-Carulla L and Aguilera F.

    El uso del término «cognitivo» en la terminología de salud. Una controversia latente.

    Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 3(4): 137-144. Number of citations: 2


  • García-Alonso CR, Salvador-Carulla L, Negrín-Hernández MA and Moreno-Küstner B.

    Development of a new spatial analysis tool in mental health: identification of highly autocorrelated areas (hot-spots) of schizophrenia using a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm model (MOEA/HS).

    Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale-An International Journal for Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences . 19(4): 302-313. Number of citations: 9

  • Gibert K, García-Alonso C and Salvador-Carulla L.

    Integrating clinicians, knowledge and data: expert-based cooperative analysis in healthcare decision support.

    HEALTH RES POLICY SY . 8: 28-28. Number of citations: 50
