Piquer-Gibert M, Cortés-Álvarez N, Gómez-Galán C, Gómez-Duque M, García-Baiges N and Asensio de la Cruz O.
Al·lèrgia a betalactàmics en pediatria
Pediatría Catalana . 83(1): 23-32.
Mónica Paola Sandoval Ruballos, Domínguez-Sánchez O, de Landazuri, IO, Daniella Gereda Martinez, Michel Espinoza Cisneros, Sequeira, FQ, Rodriguez, SMR, Machinena A, Piquer-Gibert M, Folqué-Giménez MM, Lozano-Blasco J, Jiménez-Feijoo R, Pascal, M and Alvaro-Lozano M.
Pediatric chronic urticaria: Clinical and laboratory characteristics and factors linked to remission
PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY . 34(3): . Number of citations: 4
Piquer-Gibert M, Garriga-Baraut MT, Thorndike-Piedra F, Cortés-Álvarez N, Nevot-Falcó S, Valdesoiro-Navarrete L and Gómez-Galan C.
Protocol per a l’administració d’immunoteràpia específica amb al·lèrgens en l’atenció primària
Pediatría Catalana . 82(1): 33-38.
Valero CB, Monzón ÁC, Menchón NM, Martorell A, Aragonés L, Magán CG, Fernández SP, Fernández CP, Piquer-Gibert M, Del Prado AP, Navarrete LV, Ortiz MV and Zudaire LE.
Practical protocol of the food allergy committee of the seicap on open oral food challenges to nuts
ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA . 49(6): 56-59. Number of citations: 6
Lorenzini T, Fliegauf M, Klammer N, Frede N, Proietti M, Bulashevska A, Camacho-Ordonez N, Varjosalo M, Kinnunen M, de Vries E, van der Meer JWM, Ameratunga R, Roifman CM, Schejter YD, Kobbe R, Hautala T, Atschekzei F, Schmidt RE, Schröder C, Stepensky P, Shadur B, Pedroza LA, van der Flier M, Martínez-Gallo M, Gonzalez-Granado LI, Allende LM, Shcherbina A, Kuzmenko N, Zakharova V, Neves JF, Svec P, Fischer U, Ip W, Bartsch O, Baris S, Klein C, Geha R, Chou J, Alosaimi M, Weintraub L, Boztug K, Hirschmugl T, Dos Santos Vilela MM, Holzinger D, Seidl M, Lougaris V, Plebani A, Alsina L, Piquer-Gibert M, Deyà-Martinez A, Slade CA, Aghamohammadi A, Abolhassani H, Hammarström L, Kuismin O, Helminen M, Allen HL, Thaventhiran JE, Freeman AF, Cook M, Bakhtiar S, Christiansen M, Cunningham-Rundles C, Patel NC, Rae W, Niehues T, Brauer N, Syrjänen J, Seppänen MRJ, Burns SO, Tuijnenburg P, Kuijpers TW, NIHR-BioResource – Rare Diseases Consortium, Warnatz K and Grimbacher B.
Characterization of the clinical and immunologic phenotype and management of 157 individuals with 56 distinct heterozygous NFKB1 mutations
JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY . 146(4): 901-911. Number of citations: 88
Deyà-Martinez A, Gordón Y, Molina-Anguita C, Vlagea A, Piquer-Gibert M, Juan-Otero M, Esteve-Solé A, Anton-Lopez J, Madrid Á, García-García A, Plaza-Martín AM, Armangue-Salvador T and Alsina L.
Single-cycle rituximab-induced immunologic changes in children Enhanced in neuroimmunologic disease?
Jiménez-Feijoo R, Pascal M, Moya R, Riggioni C, Domínguez-Sánchez O, Lozano-Blasco J, Álvaro M, Piquer-Gibert M, Machinena A, Folqué-Giménez MM, Dias-Da Costa M, Carnés J and Plaza-Martín AM.
Molecular Diagnosis in House Dust Mite-Allergic Patients Suggests That Der p 23 Is Clinically Relevant in Asthmatic Children
Lozano-Blasco J, Quevedo-Teruel SJ and Piquer-Gibert M.
Alergia a frutos secos. Alergia a legumbres y frutas. Alergia a pescados y mariscos.En: Protocolos diagnósticos y terapéuticos en Alergología e Inmunología clínica
Protocolos diagnosticos y terapéuticos en pediatría . : 237-258.
Folqué-Giménez MM, Lozano-Blasco J, Riggioni C, Piquer-Gibert M, Alvaro-Lozano M, Machinena A, Giner MT, Domínguez-Sánchez O, Jiménez-Feijoo R, Dias-Da Costa M and Plaza-Martín AM.
'Real-life' experience in asthmatic children treated with omalizumab up to six-years follow-up
ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA . 47(4): 336-341. Number of citations: 12
Martín-Muñoz MF, Alonso Lebrero E, Zapatero L, Fuentes Aparicio V, Piquer-Gibert M, Plaza-Martín AM, Muñoz C, Belver MT, Martorell-Calatayud C, Martorell-Aragonés A, Blasco C, Vilá B, Gómez C, Nevot S, García Martín JM, Madero R and Echeverría L.
Egg OIT in clinical practice (SEICAP II): Maintenance patterns and desensitization state after normalizing the diet
PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY . 30(2): 214-224. Number of citations: 15