Search publications


  • Luciano JV, Fernández A, Pinto-Meza A, Luján L, Bellón JA, García-Campayo J, Peñarrubia-María MT, Fernández R, Sanavia M, Blanco ME, Haro JM, Palao DJ and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Frequent attendance in primary care: comparison and implications of different definitions.

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE . 60(571): 49-55. Number of citations: 44


  • Rubio-Valera M, Serrano-Blanco A, Travé P, Peñarrubia-María MT, Ruiz M and Pujol MM.

    Community pharmacist intervention in depressed primary care patients (PRODEFAR study): randomized controlled trial protocol

    BMC Public Health . 9: 284-284. Number of citations: 23


  • Serrano-Blanco A, Suárez D, Pinto-Meza A, Peñarrubia-María MT and Haro JM.

    Fluoxetine and imipramine: are there differences in cost-utility for depression in primary care?

    JOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE . 15(1): 195-203. Number of citations: 9


  • Fernández-Vergel R, Peñarrubia-María MT, Luciano JV, Blanco, Maria E., Jimenez, Monica, Montesano, Adrian, Verduras, Camino, Ruiz, Jose M. and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Effectiveness of a psycho-educational program for improving quality of life of fibromyalgia patients

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS . 9: . Number of citations: 6


  • Serrano-Blanco A, Gabarron E, Garcia-Bayo I, Soler-Vila M, Caramés E, Peñarrubia-María MT, Pinto-Meza A and Haro JM.

    Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of antidepressant treatment in primary health care: A six-month randomised study comparing fluoxetine to imipramine

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 91(2-3): 153-163. Number of citations: 19


  • Serrano-Blanco A, Pinto-Meza A, Peñarrubia-María MT, Suarez D, Vicens E, Fernández-Vergel R, Haro JM and ETAPS Group.

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: are there differences in effectiveness in primary care?

    Primary Care & Community Psychiatry . 11(3): 113-120. Number of citations: 2


  • Serrano-Blanco A, Pinto-Meza A, Suárez D, Peñarrubia-María MT and Haro JM.

    Cost-utility of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for depression in primary care in Catalonia

    ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA . 114(432): 39-47. Number of citations: 18


  • Peñarrubia-María MT, Blanco ME, Blanes D and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Depressió resistent al tractament psiquiàtric

    Butlletí de l'Atenció Primària de Catalunya . 23(3): 17-19.

  • Pinto-Meza A, Serrano-Blanco A, Peñarrubia-María MT, Blanco ME and Haro JM.

    Assessing depression in primary care with the PHQ-9: Can it be carried out over the telephone?

    JOURNAL OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE . 20(8): 738-742. Number of citations: 280


  • Miranda, I, Peñarrubia-María MT, Garcia-Bayo I, EMILIA CARAMÉS DURÁN, Soler-Vila M and Serrano-Blanco A.

    ¿Cómo derivamos a salud mental desde atención primaria?

    ATENCION PRIMARIA . 32(9): 524-530.
