Pertierra-Cortada A, Clotet-Caba J, Hadley SM, Sabria-Bach J, Iriondo-Sanz M and Camprubí-Camprubí M.
Do FETO CDH survivors need the same follow-up program as non-FETO patients?
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 182(7): 3243-3255. Number of citations: 4
Sabria-Bach J, Monteagudo-Sánchez A, Sánchez-Delgado M, Ferguson-Smith AC, Gómez O, Pertierra-Cortada A, Tenorio J, Nevado J, Lapunzina P, Pereda Aguirre A, Giménez Sevilla C, Toro Toro E, Perez de Nanclares G and Monk D.
Preimplantation genetic testing for a chr14q32 microdeletion in a family with Kagami-Ogata syndrome and Temple syndrome
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS . 59(3): 253-261. Number of citations: 8
Pauta M, Campos B, Segura-Puimedon M, Arca G, Nadal A, Tubau A, Perez SP, Marimon-Garcia E, Martín L, López-Quesada E, Sabria-Bach J, Muñoz B, Garcia E, Paz Y Miño F, Borobio V, Gomez O, Eixarch E, Lopez M, Comas Rovira M, Borrell A and Borrell, Antoni.
Next-Generation Sequencing Gene Panels and "Solo" Clinical Exome Sequencing Applied in Structurally Abnormal Fetuses
FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY . 48(10): 746-756. Number of citations: 8
Mar Bennasar Sans, Ponce J, Torres X, Gómez O, Sabria-Bach J, Gratacós E, Borrell A and Martínez JM.
Perinatal outcome after selective termination in dichorionic twins discordant for congenital anomalies
ACTA OBSTETRICIA ET GYNECOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA . 100(11): 2029-2035. Number of citations: 10
Molinet Coll C, Sabria-Bach J, Izquierdo-Renau M, Alarcon A, Monk D, Gómez Del Rincón O, Milà Recasens M and Martínez Crespo JM.
Prenatal diagnosis of Kagami-Ogata syndrome
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND . 49(5): 498-501. Number of citations: 5
Pauta M, Badenas C, Rodriguez-Revenga L, Soler A, Grande M, Sabria-Bach J, Illanes C, Borobio V and Borrell A.
A New Stepwise Molecular Work-Up After Chorionic Villi Sampling in Women With an Early Pregnancy Loss
Frontiers in Genetics . 11: 561720-561720. Number of citations: 2
Rodriguez-Revenga L, Madrigal I, Borrell A, Martinez JM, Sabria-Bach J, Martin L, Jimenez W, AUREA MIRA VALLET, Badenas C and Milà M.
Chromosome microarray analysis should be offered to all invasive prenatal diagnostic testing following a normal rapid aneuploidy test result
CLINICAL GENETICS . 98(4): 379-383. Number of citations: 8
Palacio M, Bonet-Carne E, Cobo-Cobo T, Perez-Moreno A, Sabria-Bach J, Richter J, Kacerovsky M, Jacobsson B, García-Posada RA, Bugatto F, Santisteve R, Vives À, Parra-Cordero M, Hernandez-Andrade E, Bartha JL, Carretero-Lucena P, Tan KL, Cruz-Martínez R, Burke M, Vavilala S, Iruretagoyena I, Delgado JL, Schenone M, Vilanova J, Botet F, Yeo GS, Hyett J, Deprest J, Romero R, Gratacós E and Fetal Lung Texture Team.
Prediction of neonatal respiratory morbidity by quantitative ultrasound lung texture analysis: a multicenter study
Prat-Bartomeu J, Muñoz E, Calvo E, Sabria-Bach J, Miró E, Pertierra-Cortada A and Castañón M.
¿Cuándo debe terminarse la gestación de una gastrosquisis?
Cirugia pediatrica : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Pediatrica . 30(2): 89-94.
Sabria-Bach J, Guirado L, Miró I, Gómez-Roig MD and Borrell A.
Crown-rump length audit plots with the use of operator-specific PAPP-A and ß-hCG median MoM
PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS . 37(3): 229-234. Number of citations: 5