Noguera-Julian A, Fortuny-Guasch C, Munoz-Almagro C, Sanchez E, Vilaseca MA, Artuch-Iriberri R, Pou Fernández J and Jimenez R.
Hyperlactatemia in human immunodeficiency virus-uninfected infants who are exposed to antiretrovirals
Pediatrics . 114(5): 598-603. Number of citations: 74
Latorre C, Gene-Giralt A, Juncosa-Morros T, Munoz-Almagro C and González-Cuevas A.
Characterisation of invasive pneumococcal isolates in Catalan children up to 5 years of age, 1989-2000
CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION . 10(2): 177-181. Number of citations: 8
Vilaseca MA, Artuch-Iriberri R, Sierra-March C, Pineda J, López-Vilches MA, Munoz-Almagro C and Fortuny-Guasch C.
Low serum carnitine in HIV-infected children on antiretroviral treatment
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION . 57(10): 1317-1322. Number of citations: 13
Noguera-Julian A, Fortuny-Guasch C, Sanchez E, Artuch-Iriberri R, Vilaseca MA, Munoz-Almagro C, Pou Fernández J and Jiménez R.
Hyperlactatemia in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children receiving antiretroviral treatment
PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL . 22(9): 778-782. Number of citations: 30
Munoz-Almagro C, Palomeque A, Roca-Martínez J, Gene-Giralt A, Palacín E and Latorre C.
Diagnosis of meningococcal disease by polymerase chain reaction
MEDICINA CLINICA . 120(19): 721-724. Number of citations: 4
Vicente-Gutiérrez MP, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Campistol-Plana J, Garcia-Cazorla A, Munoz-Almagro C and Palomeque A.
Acute infantile bilateral thalamic necrosis
REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA . 36(2): 122-125. Number of citations: 1
Juncosa-Morros T, Gonzalez-Cuevas MA, Alayeto Ortega J, Munoz-Almagro C, Moreno-Hernando J, Gene-Giralt A and Latorre Otín C.
Colonización cutnáea neonatal por Malassezia spp.
ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 57(5): 452-456. Number of citations: 7
Munoz-Almagro C, Juncosa-Morros T, Fortuny-Guasch C, Guillén JJ, González-Cuevas A and Latorre C.
Prevalence of hepatitis C virus in pregnant women and vertical transmission
MEDICINA CLINICA . 118(12): 452-454. Number of citations: 16
Munoz-Almagro C, Gonzalez-Cuevas MA, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Juncosa-Morros T, Mira, A and Latorre, C.
Rapid diagnosis of herpetic meningoencephalitis by PCR
Vilaseca MA, Sierra-March C, Colomé C, Artuch-Iriberri R, Valls C, Munoz-Almagro C, Vilches MA and Fortuny-Guasch C.
Hyperhomocysteinaemia and folate deficiency in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION . 31(11): 992-998. Number of citations: 17