Search publications


  • del Amo-Morán E, Esteva-Afonso C, Hernández-Bou S, Galles, C., Navarro, M., Sauca, G., Diaz, A., Gassiot, P., Marti, C., Larrosa, N., Ciruela, P., Jane, M., Sá-Leão, R. and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Serotypes and Clonal Diversity of Streptococcus pneumoniae Causing Invasive Disease in the Era of PCV13 in Catalonia, Spain

    PLoS One . 11(3): . Number of citations: 30


  • Plans P, Munoz-Almagro C, Godoy P, Jané M and Carmona G.

    Clinical characteristics and pertussis costs in cases reported to epidemiological services and cases detected in household contacts in Catalonia (Spain)



  • Jroundi I, Mahraoui C, Benmessaoud R, Moraleda C, Tligui H, Seffar M, El Kettani SE, Benjelloun BS, Chaacho S, Munoz-Almagro C, Ruiz J, Alonso PL and Bassat Q.

    A comparison of human metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus WHO-defined severe pneumonia in Moroccan children

    EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION . 144(3): 516-526. Number of citations: 22


  • Jordán-García I, Calzada Y, Monfort L, Vila-Perez D, Felipe-Villalobos A, Ortiz J, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Clinical, biochemical and microbiological factors associated with the prognosis of pneumococcal meningitis in children

    ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA . 34(2): 101-107. Number of citations: 9


  • Brotons-de los Reyes P, de Paz HD, Esteva-Afonso C, Latorre I and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Validation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid diagnosis of pertussis infection in nasopharyngeal samples

    EXPERT REVIEW OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS . 16(1): 125-130. Number of citations: 14


  • Martínez MJ, Massora S, Mandomando I, Ussene E, Jordao D, Lovane L, Munoz-Almagro C, Castillo P, Mayor A, Rodriguez C, Lopez-Villanueva M, Ismail MR, Carrilho C, Lorenzoni C, Lacerda MV, Bassat Q, Menéndez C, Ordi J and Vila J.

    Infectious cause of death determination using minimally invasive autopsies in developing countries

    DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE . 84(1): 80-86. Number of citations: 71


  • Cabrerizo M, Trallero G, Pena MJ, Cilla A, Megias G, Munoz-Almagro C, del Amo-Morán E, Roda D, Mensalvas AI, Moreno-Docón A, García-Costa J, Rabella N, Omeñaca M, Romero MP, Sanbonmatsu-Gámez S, Pérez-Ruiz M, Santos-Muñoz MJ, Calvo C and Esther Pérez Martínez.

    Comparison of epidemiology and clinical characteristics of infections by human parechovirus vs. those by enterovirus during the first month of life

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 174(11): 1511-1516. Number of citations: 48


  • Rodà D, Esther Pérez Martínez, Cabrerizo M, Trallero G, Martínez-Planas A, Luaces-Cubells C, García-García JJ, Munoz-Almagro C and Launes-Montana C.

    Clinical characteristics and molecular epidemiology of Enterovirus infection in infants <3 months in a referral paediatric hospital of Barcelona

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 174(11): 1549-1553. Number of citations: 19


  • Crespo I, Toledo D, Soldevila N, Jordán-García I, Solano R, Castilla J, Caylà JA, Godoy P, Munoz-Almagro C and Domínguez Á.

    Characteristics of Hospitalized Cases of Pertussis in Catalonia and Navarra, Two Regions in the North of Spain

    PLoS One . 10(10): . Number of citations: 10


  • Carrasco-Colom J, Jordán-García I, Alsina L, García-García JJ, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Martín-Mateos MA, Juan M and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Association of Polymorphisms in IRAK1, IRAK4 and MyD88, and Severe Invasive Pneumococcal Disease

    PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL . 34(9): 1008-1013. Number of citations: 12
