Ros R, Gómez Garre P, Hirano M, Tai YF, Ampuero I, Vidal L, Rojo A, Fontan A, Vazquez A, Fanjul S, Hernandez J, Cantarero S, Hoenicka J, Jones A, Ahsan RL, Pavese N, Piccini P, Brooks DJ, Perez-Tur J, Nyggard T and de Yébenes JG.
Genetic linkage of autosomal dominant progressive supranuclear palsy to 1q31.1
ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY . 57(5): 634-641. Number of citations: 37
Barrero FJ, Ampuero I, Morales B, Vives F, de Dios Luna Del Castillo J, Hoenicka J and García Yébenes J.
Depression in Parkinson's disease is related to a genetic polymorphism of the cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1)
PHARMACOGENOMICS JOURNAL . 5(2): 135-141. Number of citations: 108
Zarranz JJ, Alegre J, Gómez-Esteban JC, Lezcano E, Ros R, Ampuero I, Vidal L, Hoenicka J, Rodriguez O, Atarés B, Llorens V, Gomez Tortosa E, del Ser T, Muñoz DG and de Yebenes JG.
The new mutation, E46K, of a-synuclein causes Parkinson and Lewy body dementia
ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY . 55(2): 164-173. Number of citations: 2540
Ponce G, Hoenicka J, Rodríguez-Jiménez R, Gozalo A, Jimenéz M, Monasor R, Aragüés M, Rubio G, Jiménez-Arriero MA, Ramos JA and Palomo T.
DRD2 Taq IA polymorphism is associated with urinary homovanillic acid levels in a sample of Spanish male alcoholic patients
NEUROTOXICITY RESEARCH . 6(5): 373-377. Number of citations: 16
Ponce G, Jimenez-Arriero MA, Rubio G, Hoenicka J, Ampuero I, Ramos JA and Palomo T.
The A1 allele of the DRD2 gene (TaqI A polymorphisms) is associated with antisocial personality in a sample of alcohol-dependent patients
EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY . 18(7): 356-360. Number of citations: 95
Carmona J, Burguera JA, Mollà B, Mulas F, Smeyers P, Carratalà F, De Yebenes JG, Hoenicka J and Palau F.
Unique origin and low penetrance of the 946delGAG mutation in Valencian DYT1 families
CLINICAL GENETICS . 64(2): 153-159. Number of citations: 3
Posada IJ, García-Morales I, Martínez MA, Hoenicka J and Bermejo F.
CADASIL:: a case with clinical, radiological, histological and genetic diagnoses
NEUROLOGIA . 18(4): 229-233. Number of citations: 6
Morales B, Martínez A, Gonzalo I, Vidal L, Ros R, Gomez-Tortosa E, Rabano A, Ampuero I, Sánchez M, Hoenicka J and García De Yébenes J.
Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome in a patient with a single C212Y mutation in the parkin protein
MOVEMENT DISORDERS . 17(6): 1374-1380. Number of citations: 51
Hoenicka J, Fernández Lobato M, Marín D and Jiménez A.
The SCR1 gene from Schwanniomyces occidentalis encodes a highly hydrophobic polypeptide, which confers ribosomal resistance to cycloheximide
Yeast . 19(9): 735-743.
Hoenicka J, Vidal L, Morales B, Ampuero I, Jiménez-Jiménez FJ, Berciano J, del Ser T, Jiménez A, Ruíz PG and de Yébenes JG.
Molecular findings in familial Parkinson disease in Spain
Archives of Neurology . 59(6): 966-970. Number of citations: 52