Search publications


  • Ramos JT, de José MI, Polo R, Fortuny-Guasch C, Mellado MJ, Muñoz-Fernández MA, Beceiro J, Bertrán JM, Calvo-Benet C, Chamorro L, Ciria L, Guillén S, González-Montero R, González-Tomé MI, Gurbindo MD, Martín-Fontelos P, Martínez-Pérez J, Moreno D, Munoz-Almagro C, Mur A, Navarro ML, Otero C, Rojo P, Rubio B, Saavedra J, Grupo Colaborativo Español de VIH Pediátrico (CEVIHP), Sociedad Española de Infectologia Pediátrica (SEIP), Asociacion Española de Pediatría (AEP) and Plan Nacional sobre el SIDA del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo.

    Recommendations of the CEVIHP/SEIP/AEP/PNS on antiretroviral treatment in HIV-infected children and teenagers

    ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA . 23(5): 279-312. Number of citations: 5


  • Noguera-Julián A, Fortuny-Guasch C, Munoz-Almagro C, Sanchez E, Vilaseca MA, Artuch-Iriberri R, Pou Fernández J and Jimenez R.

    Hyperlactatemia in human immunodeficiency virus-uninfected infants who are exposed to antiretrovirals

    Pediatrics . 114(5): 598-603. Number of citations: 74


  • Noguera-Julián A, Fortuny-Guasch C, Pons-Odena M, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ and Palomeque A.

    Pneumococcal-associated Purpura fulminans in a healthy infant

    PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY CARE . 20(8): 528-530. Number of citations: 7


  • Cano, JMB, Sanchez-Ramon, S, Ciria, L, Leon, JA, Gurbindo, D, Fortuny-Guasch C, Bertran, JM, Contreras, JR, Ramos, JT, Asensi, O, Mur, A, Resino, R and Munoz-Fernandez, MA.

    The effects on infants of potent antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy:: a report from Spain

    Medical Science Monitor . 10(5): 179-184. Number of citations: 22

  • Noguera-Julián A, Pérez-Dueñas B, Fortuny-Guasch C, López-Casas J and Poo P.

    Course and treatment of progressive subacute encephalopathy caused by human immunodeficiency virus in children.: The value of botulinum toxin

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA . 38(3): 239-243. Number of citations: 1


  • Vilaseca MA, Artuch-Iriberri R, Sierra-March C, Pineda J, López-Vilches MA, Munoz-Almagro C and Fortuny-Guasch C.

    Low serum carnitine in HIV-infected children on antiretroviral treatment

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION . 57(10): 1317-1322. Number of citations: 12


  • Noguera-Julián A, Fortuny-Guasch C, Sanchez E, Artuch-Iriberri R, Vilaseca MA, Munoz-Almagro C, Pou Fernández J and Jiménez R.

    Hyperlactatemia in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children receiving antiretroviral treatment

    PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL . 22(9): 778-782. Number of citations: 30


  • Ramos F, García-Fructuoso G, Almeda J, Casabona J, Coll O, Fortuny-Guasch C and Grupo ad hoc de infeccion pediátrica por VIH en Cataluña.

    Determinantes de la transmisión vertical del VIH en Cataluña (1997-2001): ¿es posible su eliminación?

    GACETA SANITARIA . 17(4): 275-282. Number of citations: 9


  • Noguera-Julián A, Pérez-Dueñas B, Pons-Odena M, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ, Palomeque A, Fortuny-Guasch C, Garcia-Cazorla A and Campistol-Plana J.

    Neurofibromatosis type 2 as a result of a de novo mutation:: A case report

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA . 35(11): 1030-1033. Number of citations: 3


  • Munoz-Almagro C, Juncosa-Morros T, Fortuny-Guasch C, Guillén JJ, González-Cuevas A and Latorre C.

    Prevalence of hepatitis C virus in pregnant women and vertical transmission

    MEDICINA CLINICA . 118(12): 452-454. Number of citations: 16
