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  • Launes-Montana C, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Selva L, García-García JJ, Pallares R and Munoz-Almagro C.


    PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL . 31(6): 650-653. Number of citations: 37


  • Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, García-García JJ, Esteva-Afonso C, Fernando Moraga Llop, Hernández S, Selva L, Coll F, Ciruela Navas P, Ana Maria Planes Reig, Codina MG, Salleras L, Jordán-García I, Domínguez A and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Clinical Presentation of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Spain in the Era of Heptavalent Conjugate Vaccine

    PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL . 31(2): 124-128. Number of citations: 24


  • Domínguez A, Ciruela Navas P, García-García JJ, Fernando Moraga Llop, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Selva L, Coll F, Munoz-Almagro C, Ana Maria Planes Reig, Codina MG, Jordán-García I, Esteva-Afonso C, Hernández S, Soldevila N, Cardeñosa N, Batalla J and Salleras L.

    Effectiveness of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in the prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease in children aged 7-59 months. A matched case-control study

    Vaccine . 29(48): 9020-9025. Number of citations: 20


  • Esteva-Afonso C, Selva L, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, García-García JJ, Pallares R and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 causing invasive disease among children in Barcelona over a 20-year period (1989-2008)

    CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION . 17(9): 1441-1444. Number of citations: 14


  • Rodríguez-Fanjul J, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Muñoz-Santanach D, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Toll T, Blanch J and Luaces-Cubells C.

    Deep Vein Thrombosis Rare Cases of Diagnoses in a Pediatric Emergency Department

    PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY CARE . 27(5): 417-419. Number of citations: 6


  • Munoz-Almagro C, Selva L, Sanchez CJ, Esteva-Afonso C, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Pallares R and Orihuela CJ.

    PsrP, a Protective Pneumococcal Antigen, Is Highly Prevalent in Children with Pneumonia and Is Strongly Associated with Clonal Type

    CLINICAL AND VACCINE IMMUNOLOGY . 17(11): 1672-1678. Number of citations: 26


  • Selva L, Esteva-Afonso C, Gene-Giralt A, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Hernández-Bou S and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Direct detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae in positive blood cultures by real-time polymerase chain reaction

    DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE . 66(2): 204-206. Number of citations: 10


  • Munoz-Almagro C, Selva L, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M and Esteva-Afonso C.

    Canvis en l'epidemiologia molecular del neumococ en el nostre medi

    Pediatría Catalana . 70(2): 71-74.

  • Munoz-Almagro C, Esteva-Afonso C, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Selva L, Gene-Giralt A and Pallares R.

    Emergence of invasive pneumococcal disease caused by multidrug-resistant serotype 19A among children in Barcelona

    JOURNAL OF INFECTION . 59(2): 75-82. Number of citations: 57


  • Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Alayeto J, Fernández Y, Munoz-Almagro C, Luaces-Cubells C and García-García JJ.

    Low prevalence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in children with acute pharyngitis

    ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA . 27(7): 403-405. Number of citations: 2
