Sintes A, Colomer-Bollo M, Domènec-Elizalde E, Tor J, Dolz M, Sánchez Fernández B and San L.
Intervención asistida con animales para la estimulación cognitiva de niños y adolescentes en la Unidad de Primeros Episodios Psicóticos
Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil . 30(1): .
Brebion G, Villalta-Gil V, Autonell J, Cervilla J, Dolz M, Foix-Sanjuan A, Haro JM, Usall J, Vilaplana M and Ochoa S.
Cognitive correlates of verbal memory and verbal fluency in schizophrenia, and differential effects of various clinical symptoms between male and female patients.
SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 147(1): 81-85. Number of citations: 27
Barajas A, Ochoa S, Baños I, Dolz M, Villalta-Gil V, Vilaplana M, Autonell J, Sánchez Fernández B, Cervilla JA, Foix-Sanjuan A, Obiols JE, Haro JM, GENIPE group and Usall J.
Spanish validation of the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS-S)
COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 54(2): 187-194. Number of citations: 16
Tomás EP, Hurtado G, Noguer S, Domènech C, García M, López N, Negredo M, Penadés R, Reinares M, Serrano D, Dolz M and Gallo P.
Effectiveness of family work interventions on schizophrenia: evidence from a multicentre study in Catalonia.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY . 58(6): 587-595. Number of citations: 4
Barajas A, Baños I, Ochoa S, Usall J, Huerta-Ramos ME, Dolz M, Sánchez Fernández B, Villalta-Gil V, Foix-Sanjuan A and Haro JM.
Gender differences in incipient psychosis
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY . 24(3): 176-194. Number of citations: 13
Gutiérrez B, Rivera M, Obel L, McKenney K, Martínez-Leal R, Molina E, Dolz M, Ochoa S, Usall J, Haro JM, Ruiz-Veguilla M, Torres F and Cervilla J.
Variability in the COMT gene and modification of the risk of schizophrenia conferred by cannabis consumption.
Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 2(2): 89-94. Number of citations: 8
Ochoa S, Vilaplana M, Haro JM, Villalta-Gil V, Martínez-Zambrano F, Negredo MC, Casacuberta P, Paniego E, Usall J, Dolz M and Autonell J.
Do needs, symptoms or disability of outpatients with schizophrenia influence family burden?
SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY . 43(8): 612-618. Number of citations: 49
Codony M, Alonso J, Almansa J, Vilagut G, Domingo A, Pinto-Meza A, Fernández A, Usall J, Dolz M and Haro JM.
Utilización de los servicios de salud mental en la población general española. Resultados del estudio ESEMeD-España.
Cervilla, J., de Portugal, E., Gonzalez, N., Villalta-Gil V, Vilaplana, M., Dolz M, Ochoa S, Usall J and Haro JM.
The paraspectrum study: searching for a valid paranoid psychotic phenotype
EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY . 22(1): 56-57. Number of citations: 1
Barajas A, Baños I, Ochoa S, Usall J, Villalta-Gil V, Dolz M, Sánchez Fernández B and Haro JM.
Edad de inicio del primer episodio psicótico: ¿hay diferencias entre varones y mujeres?
Psiquiatría Biológica . 14(4): 136-141.