Search publications


  • Pastor-Anglada M and Perez-Torras S.

    Nucleoside transporter proteins as biomarkers of drug responsiveness and drug targets.

    FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY . 6: 13-13. Number of citations: 86


  • Godoy V, Banales JM, Medina JF and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Functional crosstalk between the adenosine transporter CNT3 and purinergic receptors in the biliary epithelia.

    JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY . 61(6): 1337-1343. Number of citations: 11


  • Pinilla-Macua I, Claudio-Montero A and Pastor-Anglada M.

    rCNT2 extracellular cysteines, Cys(615) and Cys(649), are important for maturation and sorting to the plasma membrane.

    FEBS LETTERS . 588(23): 4382-4389. Number of citations: 2


  • Wojtal KA, Cee A, Lang S, Götze O, Frühauf H, Geier A, Pastor-Anglada M, Torres-Torronteras J, Martí R, Fried M, Lutz TA, Maggiorini M, Gassmann M, Rogler G and Vavricka SR.

    Downregulation of duodenal SLC transporters and activation of proinflammatory signaling constitute the early response to high altitude in humans.

    AM J PHYSIOL-GASTR L . 307(7): . Number of citations: 31


  • Pinilla-Macua I, Fernández-Calotti P, Pérez-Del-Pulgar S and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Ribavirin uptake into human hepatocyte HHL5 cells is enhanced by interferon-a via up-regulation of the human concentrative nucleoside transporter (hCNT2).

    MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS . 11(9): 3223-3230. Number of citations: 7


  • Arimany-Nardi C, Errasti-Murugarren E, Minuesa G, Martinez-Picado J, Gorboulev V, Koepsell H and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Nucleoside transporters and human organic cation transporter 1 determine the cellular handling of DNA-methyltransferase inhibitors.

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY . 171(16): 3868-3880. Number of citations: 17


  • Medina-Pulido L, Molina-Arcas M, Justicia C, Soriano E, Burgaya F, Planas AM and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Hypoxia and P1 receptor activation regulate the high-affinity concentrative adenosine transporter CNT2 in differentiated neuronal PC12 cells.

    BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL . 454(3): 437-445. Number of citations: 23


  • Perez-Torras S, Vidal-Pla A, Cano-Soldado P, Huber-Ruano I, Mazo A and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Concentrative nucleoside transporter 1 (hCNT1) promotes phenotypic changes relevant to tumor biology in a translocation-independent manner.

    CELL DEATH & DISEASE . 4: . Number of citations: 24


  • Cárdenas A, Toledo C, Oyarzún C, Sepúlveda A, Quezada C, Guillén-Gómez E, Díaz-Encarnación MM, Pastor-Anglada M and San Martín R.

    Adenosine A(2B) receptor-mediated VEGF induction promotes diabetic glomerulopathy.

    LABORATORY INVESTIGATION . 93(1): 135-144. Number of citations: 39


  • Huber-Ruano I, Errasti-Murugarren E, Godoy V, Vera Á, Andreu AL, Garcia-Arumi E, Martí R and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Functional outcome of a novel SLC29A3 mutation identified in a patient with H syndrome.

    BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS . 428(4): 532-537. Number of citations: 11
