Search publications


  • Migliorelli C, Alonso-Lopez JF, Romero-Lafuente S, Nowak R, Russi A and Mañanas MA.

    Automated detection of epileptic ripples in MEG using beamformer-based virtual sensors.

    JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING . 14(4): 46013-46013. Number of citations: 21


  • Jordanic M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA, Alonso-Lopez JF and Marateb HR.

    A Novel Spatial Feature for the Identification of Motor Tasks Using High-Density Electromyography.

    SENSORS . 17(7): . Number of citations: 19


  • Ochoa JF, Alonso-Lopez JF, Duque JE, Tobón CA, Baena A, Lopera F, Mañanas MA and Hernández AM.

    Precuneus Failures in Subjects of the PSEN1 E280A Family at Risk of Developing Alzheimer's Disease Detected Using Quantitative Electroencephalography

    JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE . 58(4): 1229-1244. Number of citations: 7


  • Rojas M, Mañanas MA, Alonso-Lopez JF and Merletti R.

    Identification of isometric contractions based on High Density EMG maps.

    J ELECTROMYOGR KINES . 23(1): 33-42. Number of citations: 61


  • Rojas M, Mañanas MA and Alonso-Lopez JF.

    High-density surface EMG maps from upper-arm and forearm muscles.

    JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION . 9: 85-85. Number of citations: 123


  • Alonso-Lopez JF, Mañanas MA, Romero-Lafuente S, Rojas M and Riba J.

    Cross-conditional entropy and coherence analysis of pharmaco-EEG changes induced by alprazolam.

    Psychopharmacology . 221(3): 397-406. Number of citations: 11


  • Alonso-Lopez JF, Mañanas MA, Rojas M and Bruce EN.

    Coordination of respiratory muscles assessed by means of nonlinear forecasting of demodulated myographic signals.

    J ELECTROMYOGR KINES . 21(6): 1064-1073. Number of citations: 9


  • Alonso-Lopez JF, Poza J, Mañanas MA, Romero-Lafuente S, Fernández A and Hornero R.

    MEG connectivity analysis in patients with Alzheimer's disease using cross mutual information and spectral coherence.

    ANN BIOMED ENG . 39(1): 524-536. Number of citations: 43


  • Alonso-Lopez JF, Mañanas MA, Romero-Lafuente S, Hoyer D, Riba J and Barbanoj MJ.

    Drug effect on EEG connectivity assessed by linear and nonlinear couplings.

    HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING . 31(3): 487-497. Number of citations: 31


  • Alonso-Lopez JF, Mañanas MA, Hoyer D, Topor ZL and Bruce EN.

    Evaluation of respiratory muscles activity by means of cross mutual information function at different levels of ventilatory effort.

    IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering . 54(9): 1573-1582. Number of citations: 28
