Search publications


  • Vega-García N, Pérez-Jaume S, Esperanza-Cebollada E, Vicente-Garces C, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Jiménez-Velasco A, Ortega M, Llop M, Abad L, Vagace JM, Minguela A, Pratcorona M, Sánchez-Garcia J, García-Calderon CB, Gómez-Casares MT, Martín-Clavero E, Escudero A, Riñón M, Muñoz L, Velasco MR, García-Morín M, Català-Temprano A, Pascual A, Velasco P, Fernandez JM, Lassaletta A, Fuster JL, Badell I, Molinos-Quintana A, Molinés A, Guerra-Garcia P, Pérez-Martínez A, García-Abós M, Robles R, Pisa S, Adán R, Díaz de Heredia C, Dapena JL, Rives-Solà S, Ramirez M and Camós-Guijosa M.

    Measurable Residual Disease Assessed by Flow-Cytometry Is a Stable Prognostic Factor for Pediatric T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Consecutive SEHOP Protocols Whereas the Impact of Oncogenetics Depends on Treatment

    Frontiers in pediatrics . 8: 614521-614521. Number of citations: 5


  • Ortíz-Maldonado V, Rives-Solà S, Castellà M, Alonso-Saladrigues A, Benítez-Ribas D, Caballero-Baños M, Baumann T, Jordi Cid Colom, Garcia-Rey E, Llanos C, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Villamor N, Giné E, Díaz-Beyá M, Guardia L, Montoro M, Català-Temprano A, Faura A, González EA, Español-Rego M, Klein-González N, Alsina L, Castro P, Jordán-García I, Fernández S, Ramos F, Suñé G, Perpiñá U, Canals JM, Lozano M, Trias E, Scalise A, Varea S, Sáez-Peñataro J, Torres F, Calvo G, Esteve J, Urbano-Ispizua Á, Juan-Otero M and Delgado J.

    CART19-BE-01: A Multicenter Trial of ARI-0001 Cell Therapy in Patients with CD19+Relapsed/Refractory Malignancies

    MOLECULAR THERAPY . 29(2): 636-644. Number of citations: 99


  • Deyà-Martinez A, Alonso-Saladrigues A, García, AP, Faura, A, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Vlagea, A, Català-Temprano A, Esteve-Solé A, Juan-Otero M, Rives-Solà S and Alsina L.

    Kinetics of humoral deficiency in CART19-treated children and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

    BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION . 56(2): 376-386. Number of citations: 13


  • Vega-García N, Benito R, Esperanza-Cebollada E, Llop M, Robledo C, Vicente-Garces C, Alonso J, Barragán E, Fernandez-Isern G, Hernández-Sánchez JM, Martín-Izquierdo M, Maynou-Fernández J, Minguela A, Montaño A, Ortega M, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Cervera J, Sánchez J, Jiménez-Velasco A, Riesco S, Hernández-Rivas JM, Lassaletta Á, Fernández JM, Rives-Solà S, Dapena JL, Ramírez M and Camós-Guijosa M.

    Helpful Criteria When Implementing NGS Panels in Childhood Lymphoblastic Leukemia

    Journal of Personalized Medicine . 10(4): 244. Number of citations: 1


  • Sánchez-Martínez D, Baroni ML, Gutierrez-Agüera F, Roca-Ho H, Blanch-Lombarte O, González-García S, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Junca J, Ramírez-Orellana M, Velasco-Hernández T, Bueno C, Fuster JL, Prado JG, Calvo J, Uzan B, Cools J, Camós-Guijosa M, Pflumio F, Toribio ML and Menéndez P.

    Fratricide-resistant CD1a-specific CAR T cells for the treatment of cortical T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

    Blood . 133(21): 2291-2304. Number of citations: 92


  • Pascual-Pastó G, Bazan-Peregrino M, Gene-Olaciregui N, Restrepo-Perdomo CA, Mato-Berciano A, Ottaviani D, Weber K, Correa MG, Paco-Mercader S, Vilà-Ubach M, Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Castillo H, Botteri G, García-Gerique L, Moreno-Gilabert H, Gimenez-Alejandre M, Alonso-Lopez P, Farrera-Sal M, Torres-Manjon S, Ramos-Lozano D, Moreno R, Aerts I, Doz F, Cassoux N, Chapeaublanc E, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Roldan-Molina M, König A, Suñol M, Claverol J, Lavarino C, de Torres C, Fu L, Radvanyi F, Munier FL, Català-Mora J, Mora J, Alemany R, Cascallo M, Chantada G and Carcaboso AM.

    Therapeutic targeting of the RB1 pathway in retinoblastoma with the oncolytic adenovirus VCN-01

    SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE . 11(476): 9321. Number of citations: 81


  • Torrebadell-Burriel M, Diaz-Beya M, Kalko SG, Pratcorona M, Nomdedeu J, Navarro A, Gel B, Brunet S, Sierra J, Camós-Guijosa M and Esteve J.

    A 4-gene expression prognostic signature might guide post-remission therapy in patients with intermediate-risk cytogenetic acute myeloid leukemia.

    LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA . 59(10): 2394-2404. Number of citations: 14


  • Vega-García N, Malatesta R, Estella-Aguado MC, Pérez-Jaume S, Esperanza-Cebollada E, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Català-Temprano A, Gassiot S, Berrueco R, Ruiz-Llobet A, Alonso-Saladrigues A, Mesegue-Meda M, Pont-Martí S, Rives-Solà S and Camós-Guijosa M.

    Paediatric patients with acute leukaemia and KMT2A (MLL) rearrangement show a distinctive expression pattern of histone deacetylases

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY . 182(4): 542-553. Number of citations: 8


  • Pascual-Pastó G, Gene-Olaciregui N, Opezzo JAW, Castillo-Ecija H, Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Paco-Mercader S, Rivero EM, Vilà-Ubach M, Restrepo-Perdomo CA, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Suñol M, Schaquevich P, Mora J, Bramuglia GF, Chantada G and Carcaboso AM.

    Increased delivery of chemotherapy to the vitreous by inhibition of the blood-retinal barrier

    JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE . 264: 34-44. Number of citations: 15


  • Berrueco R, Alonso-Saladrigues A, Martorell-Sampol L, Català-Temprano A, Ruiz-Llobet A, Toll T, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Naudo-Lahoz M, Camós-Guijosa M and Rives-Solà S.

    Outcome and toxicities associated to chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and Gilbert syndrome. Usefulness of UGT1A1 mutational screening

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 62(7): 1195-1201. Number of citations: 8
