Alejandre-Galobardes C, Vila-Perez D, Benito-Fernández S, Corniero-Alonso P, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Segura-Matute S, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ and Jordán-García I.
Intravenous clonidine: a useful and safety sedation for critically ill children
International Journal of Pediatric Research . 3(1): 27.
Casas-Alba D, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Valero-Rello A, Fortuny-Guasch C, García-García JJ, Ortez-Gonzalez CI, Muchart-Lopez J, Armangue-Salvador T, Jordán-García I, Luaces-Cubells C, Barrabeig I, González-Sanz R, Cabrerizo M, Munoz-Almagro C and Launes-Montana C.
Outbreak of brainstem encephalitis associated with enterovirus-A71 in Catalonia, Spain (2016): a clinical observational study in a children's reference centre in Catalonia
CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION . 23(11): 874-881. Number of citations: 56
Domínguez A, Soldevila N, Caylà JA, García-Cenoz M, Ferrús G, Sala-Farré MR, Álvarez J, Carol M, Barrabeig I, Camps N, Coronas L, Munoz-Almagro C and Godoy P.
Assessment of clinical symptoms in household contacts of confirmed pertussis cases
JOURNAL OF INFECTION . 75(5): 426-432. Number of citations: 6
Serrano-Blanco A, Guitart-Pardellans C, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Flores-González C and Jordán-García I.
Avaluació de les aportacions nutricionals en els lactants amb bronquiolitis aguda greu/ Nutritional support for infants with severe bronchiolitis.
Pediatría Catalana . 77(3): 91-96.
Bautista Rodríguez C, Launes-Montana C, Jordán-García I, Andres M, Arias MT, Lozano F, García-García JJ and Munoz-Almagro C.
Mannose-binding lectin-deficient genotypes as a risk factor of pneumococcal meningitis in infants
PLoS One . 12(5): . Number of citations: 7
Camazine MN, Karam O, Colvin R, Leteurtre S, Demaret P, Tucci M, Muszynski JA, Stanworth S, Spinella PC, Jordán-García I and PlasmaTV Investigators.
Outcomes Related to the Use of Frozen Plasma or Pooled Solvent/Detergent-Treated Plasma in Critically Ill Children
PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE . 18(5): 215-223. Number of citations: 23
Balaguer-Gargallo M, Alejandre-Galobardes C, Vila-Perez D, Esteban-Torne E, Carrasco JL, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ and Jordán-García I.
Bronchiolitis Score of Sant Joan de Deu: BROSJOD Score, validation and usefulness
PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY . 52(4): 533-539. Number of citations: 45
Serrano A, Guitart C, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Flores-Gonzalez C and Jordán-García I.
Aportacions nutricionals en les lactants amb bronquiolitis greu
Pediatría Catalana . 77: 91-96.
Karam O, Demaret P, Duhamel A, Shefler A, Spinella PC, Tucci M, Leteurtre S, Stanworth SJ, PlasmaTV investigators and Jordán-García I.
Factors influencing plasma transfusion practices in paediatric intensive care units around the world
VOX SANGUINIS . 112(2): 140-149. Number of citations: 3
Hernández-Borges AA, Pérez Estevez E, Jiménez-Sosa A, Concha Torre A, Ordóñez Sáez O, Sánchez Galindo AC, Murga Herrera V, Balaguer-Gargallo M, Nieto Moro M, Pujol Jover M, Aleo Lujan E and Jordán-García I.
Set of Quality Indicators of Pediatric Intensive Care in Spain: Delphi Method Selection.
pediatric quality & safety . 2(1): 9-9.