Search publications


  • Gassiot S, Ruiz-Llobet A, Suleman W, Sarrate E and Berrueco R.

    Thrombin generation in children using ThromboScreen reagent kit with ST Genesia-A pilot study

    CLINICAL AND LABORATORY HAEMATOLOGY . 43(6): 1612-1619. Number of citations: 2


  • Payan-Pernia, S, Ruiz-Llobet A, Sevilla, AFR, Egido, J, Castan, JAB and Moreno, JA.

    Sickle cell nephropathy. Clinical manifestations and new mechanisms involved in kidney injury

    Nefrologia . 41(4): 373-382. Number of citations: 3


  • Berrueco R, Sebastián E, Solsona M, González de Pablo J, Ruiz-Llobet A, Mesegue-Meda M, Gálvez E and Sevilla J.

    Secondary immune thrombocytopenia in children: Characteristics and outcome of a large cohort from two Spanish centres

    ACTA PAEDIATRICA . 110(6): 1952-1958. Number of citations: 4


  • Vilaseca M, Burgos-Fernandez FJ, Rey-Barroso L, Roldan-Molina M, Gassiot S, Sarrate E, Isola I and Ruiz-Llobet A.

    Hyperspectral imaging for skin cancer and blood disorders diagnosis.

    Asian Journal of Physics . 29(10-12): 1-20.

  • Bardón Cancho EJ, García-Morín M, Beléndez C, Velasco P, Benéitez D, Ruiz-Llobet A, Berrueco R, Argilés B, Cervera Á, Salinas JA, Vecilla C, Gondra A, Vallés G, Murciano T, Bermúdez M and Cela E.

    Update of the Spanish registry of haemoglobinopathies in children and adults

    MEDICINA CLINICA . 155(3): 95-103. Number of citations: 16


  • Rey-Barroso L, Roldan-Molina M, Burgos-Fernández FJ, Gassiot S, Ruiz-Llobet A, Isola I and Vilaseca MA.

    Spectroscopic Evaluation of Red Blood Cells of Thalassemia Patients with Confocal Microscopy: A Pilot Study

    SENSORS . 20(14): . Number of citations: 6


  • Bogliolo M, Pujol R, Aza-Carmona M, Muñoz-Subirana N, Rodriguez-Santiago B, Casado JA, Rio P, Bauser C, Reina-Castillón J, Lopez-Sanchez M, Gonzalez-Quereda L, Gallano P, Català-Temprano A, Ruiz-Llobet A, Badell I, Diaz-Heredia C, Hladun R, Senent L, Argiles B, Bergua Burgues JM, Bañez F, Arrizabalaga B, López Almaraz R, Lopez M, Figuera Á, Molinés A, Pérez de Soto I, Hernando I, Muñoz JA, Del Rosario Marin M, Balmaña J, Stjepanovic N, Carrasco E, Cuesta I, Cosuelo JM, Regueiro A, Moraleda Jimenez J, Galera-Miñarro AM, Rosiñol L, Carrió A, Beléndez-Bieler C, Escudero Soto A, Cela E, de la Mata G, Fernández-Delgado R, Garcia-Pardos MC, Sáez-Villaverde R, Barragaño M, Portugal R, Lendinez F, Hernadez I, Vagace JM, Tapia M, Nieto J, Garcia M, Gonzalez M, Vicho C, Galvez E, Valiente A, Antelo ML, Ancliff P, Garcia F, Dopazo J, Sevilla J, Paprotka T, Pérez-Jurado LA, Bueren J and Surralles J.

    Optimised molecular genetic diagnostics of Fanconi anaemia by whole exome sequencing and functional studies

    JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS . 57(4): 258-268. Number of citations: 23


  • Ruiz-Llobet A, Isola I, Gassiot S, Català-Temprano A, Díaz-Ricart M, Martinez-Monseny T, Serrano M and Berrueco R.

    Platelet Dysfunction in Noonan and 22q11.2 Deletion Syndromes in Childhood

    THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS . 120(3): 457-465. Number of citations: 5


  • Pérez-Grijalba V, Arbizu J, Romero J, Prieto E, Pesini P, Sarasa L, Guillen F, Monleón I, San-José I, Martínez-Lage P, Munuera-del Cerro JL, Hernández I, Buendía M, Sotolongo-Grau O, Alegret M, Ruiz-Llobet A, Tárraga L, Boada M and Sarasa M.

    Plasma A beta 42/40 ratio alone or combined with FDG-PET can accurately predict amyloid-PET positivity: a cross-sectional analysis from the AB255 Study

    ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY . 11(1): 96-96. Number of citations: 43


  • Arias-Salgado EG, Galvez E, Planas-Cerezales L, Pintado-Berninches L, Vallespin E, Martinez P, Carrillo J, Iarriccio L, Ruiz-Llobet A, Català-Temprano A, Badell-Serra I, Gonzalez-Granado LI, Martín-Nalda A, Martínez-Gallo M, Galera-Miñarro A, Rodríguez-Vigil C, Bastos-Oreiro M, Perez de Nanclares G, Leiro-Fernández V, Uria ML, Diaz-Heredia C, Valenzuela C, Martín S, López-Muñiz B, Lapunzina P, Sevilla J, Molina-Molina M, Perona R and Sastre L.

    Genetic analyses of aplastic anemia and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients with short telomeres, possible implication of DNA-repair genes.

    ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES . 14(1): 82-82. Number of citations: 22
