Villarroya-Terrade J, Flachs P, Redondo-Angulo I, Giralt M, Medrikova D, Villarroya-Gombau F, Kopecky J and Planavila A.
Fibroblast growth factor-21 and the beneficial effects of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Lipids . 49(11): 1081-1089. Number of citations: 20
Palomer FX, Capdevila-Busquets E, Alvarez-Guardia D, Barroso E, Pallàs M, Camins A, Davidson MM, Planavila A, Villarroya-Gombau F and Vazquez M.
Resveratrol induces nuclear factor-?B activity in human cardiac cells.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY . 167(6): 2507-2516. Number of citations: 31
Planavila A, Iglesias R, Giralt M and Villarroya-Gombau F.
Sirt1 acts in association with PPARa to protect the heart from hypertrophy, metabolic dysregulation, and inflammation.
CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH . 90(2): 276-284. Number of citations: 263
Amat R, Planavila A, Chen SL, Iglesias R, Giralt M and Villarroya-Gombau F.
SIRT1 controls the transcription of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma Co-activator-1alpha (PGC-1alpha) gene in skeletal muscle through the PGC-1alpha autoregulatory loop and interaction with MyoD.
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY . 284(33): 21872-21880. Number of citations: 187
Planavila A, Rodríguez-Calvo R, Palomer FX, Coll T, Sánchez RM, Merlos M, Laguna JC and Vazquez M.
Atorvastatin inhibits GSK-3beta phosphorylation by cardiac hypertrophic stimuli.
BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS . 1781(1-2): 26-35. Number of citations: 15