Search publications


  • Navarrete J, Rodríguez-Freire C, Sanabria JP, Martínez-Rubio D, McCracken LM, Gallego A, Sundstrom FTA, Serrat M, Alonso J, Feliu A, Nieto R and Luciano JV.

    Psychometric examination of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory Short Form (MPFI-24) and the Psy-Flex Spanish versions in individuals with chronic pain.



  • Sanabria JP, Colomer A, Gandara-Urrutia N, Pérez-Sutil JM, Noboa-Rocamora G, Fernández-Vázquez Ó, Val-Mariano G, Fontana-McNally M, Cardona-Ros G, Feliu A, McCracken LM, Edo S, Sanz A and Luciano JV.

    Experiences of patients with chronic low back pain plus comorbid depressive symptoms in a videoconference group acceptance and commitment therapy or behavioral activation treatment for depression: a qualitative study.

    DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION . 46(21): 1-12. Number of citations: 2


  • Medina S, O'Daly O, Howard MA, Feliu A and Luciano JV.

    Does practice make perfect? Functional connectivity of the salience network and somatosensory network predicts response to mind-body treatments for fibromyalgia.

    Frontiers in Pain Research . 5: 1245235-1245235. Number of citations: 2


  • Sanabria JP, Francesco D'Amico, Cardeñosa E, Ferrer-Forés M, Edo S, Borràs X, McCracken LM, Feliu A, Sanz A and Luciano JV.

    Economic evaluation of videoconference group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Behavioral Activation Therapy for Depression versus usual care among adults with chronic low back pain plus comorbid depressive symptoms.

    JOURNAL OF PAIN . 25(7): 104472-104472.


  • García-Campayo J, Barceló-Soler A, Martínez-Rubio D, Navarrete J, Pérez A, Feliu A, Luciano JV, Baer R, Kuyken W and Montero J.

    Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Compassion and Compassion for Others: The Role of Psychological Distress and Wellbeing.

    ASSESSMENT . 31(5): 1038-1051. Number of citations: 3


  • Gallego A, Serrat M, Royuela-Colomer E, Sanabria JP, Borràs X, Esteve M, Grasa M, Rosa A, Rozadilla A, Almirall M, Francesco D'Amico, Dai Y, Rosenbluth MJ, McCracken LM, Navarrete J, Feliu A and Luciano JV.

    Study protocol for a three-arm randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness, cost-utility, and physiological effects of a fully self-guided digital Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Spanish patients with fibromyalgia.

    Digital Health . 10: .


  • Vall-Roqué H, Nieto R, Serrat M, Sora B, Tolo P, Ureña P, Feliu A, Luciano JV and Pardo R.

    Women living with fibromyalgia during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study

    HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL . : 1-21. Number of citations: 2


  • Badia-Aguarón T, Royuela-Colomer E, Pera-Guardiola V, Vergés-Balasch P, Cebolla A, Luciano JV, Soler J, Feliu A and Huguet Miguel A.

    Combining mindfulness and cognitive training in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: study protocol of a pilot randomized controlled trial (the NeuroMind study)

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY . 15: 1291198-1291198.


  • Sanabria JP, Colomer A, Fernández-Vázquez Ó, Noboa-Rocamora G, Cardona-Ros G, McCracken LM, Montes-Pérez A, Castaño-Asins JR, Edo S, Borràs X, Sanz A, Feliu A and Luciano JV.

    A systematic review of cognitive behavioral therapy-based interventions for comorbid chronic pain and clinically relevant psychological distress.

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY . 14: 1200685-1200685. Number of citations: 8


  • Sanabria JP, Colomer A, Borràs X, Castaño-Asins JR, McCracken LM, Montero J, Pérez A, Edo S, Sanz A, Feliu A and Luciano JV.

    Efficacy of videoconference group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Behavioral Activation Therapy for Depression (BATD) for chronic low back pain (CLBP) plus comorbid depressive symptoms: A randomized controlled trial (IMPACT study).

    JOURNAL OF PAIN . 24(8): 1522-1540. Number of citations: 14
