Search publications


  • Savulescu C, Prats-Uribe A, Brolin K, Uusküla A, Bergin C, Fleming C, Murri R, Zvirbulis V, Zavadska D, Gaio V, Popescu CP, Hrisca R, Cisneros M, Latorre-Millán M, Lohur L, McGrath J, Ferguson L, De Gaetano Donati K, Abolina I, Gravele D, Machado A, Florescu SA, Lazar M, Subirats P, Clusa Cuesta L, Sui J, Kenny C, Santangelo R, Krievins D, Barzdina EA, Valadas Henriques C, Kosa AG, Pohrib SM, Munoz-Almagro C, Milagro A, Bacci S and Nardone A.

    Effectiveness of the autumn 2023 COVID-19 vaccine dose in hospital-based healthcare workers: results of the VEBIS healthcare worker vaccine effectiveness cohort study, seven European countries, season 2023/24

    EUROSURVEILLANCE . 29(44): .


  • Shirzadi M, Rojas M, Alonso-Lopez JF, Serna LY, Chaler J, Mañanas MA and Marateb HR.

    AML-DECODER: Advanced Machine Learning for HD-sEMG Signal Classification-Decoding Lateral Epicondylitis in Forearm Muscles.

    Diagnostics . 14(20): .


  • Tost A, Bachiller A, Medina-Rivera IF, Romero-Lafuente S, Serna LY, Rojas M, Garcia-Cazorla A and Mañanas MA.

    Repetitive active and passive cognitive stimulations induce EEG changes in patients with Rett syndrome



  • Shirzadi M, Marateb HR, Rojas M, Mansourian M, Botter A, Vieira Dos Anjos F, Martins Vieira T and Mañanas MA.

    A real-time and convex model for the estimation of muscle force from surface electromyographic signals in the upper and lower limbs.

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY . 14: 1098225-1098225. Number of citations: 3


  • Rojas M, Serna LY, Jordanic M, Marateb HR, Merletti R and Mañanas MA.

    High-density surface electromyography signals during isometric contractions of elbow muscles of healthy humans.

    Scientific Data . 7(1): 397-397. Number of citations: 16


  • Kisiel-Sajewicz K, Marusiak J, Rojas M, Janecki D, Chomiak S, Kaminski L, Mencel J, Mañanas MA, Jaskólski A and Jaskólska A.

    High-density surface electromyography maps after computer-aided training in individual with congenital transverse deficiency: a case study.

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS . 21(1): 682-682. Number of citations: 3


  • Rojas M, Alonso-Lopez JF, Jordanic M, Mañanas MA and Chaler J.

    Analysis of Muscle Load-Sharing in Patients With Lateral Epicondylitis During Endurance Isokinetic Contractions Using Non-linear Prediction.

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY . 10: 1185-1185. Number of citations: 4


  • Jordanic M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA, Alonso-Lopez JF and Marateb HR.

    A Novel Spatial Feature for the Identification of Motor Tasks Using High-Density Electromyography.

    SENSORS . 17(7): . Number of citations: 19


  • Reza-Marateb H, Farahi M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA and Farina D.

    Detection of Multiple Innervation Zones from Multi-Channel Surface EMG Recordings with Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Using Graph-Cut Segmentation

    PLoS One . 11(12): . Number of citations: 15


  • Jordanic M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA and Alonso JF.

    Prediction of isometric motor tasks and effort levels based on high-density EMG in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury

    JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING . 13(4): 46002-46002. Number of citations: 15
