Oberjé EJ, Dima AL, Pijnappel FJ, Prins JM and de Bruin M.
Assessing treatment-as-usual provided to control groups in adherence trials: Exploring the use of an open-ended questionnaire for identifying behaviour change techniques.
PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH . 30(8): 897-910. Number of citations: 17
Dima AL, Stutterheim SE, Lyimo R and de Bruin M.
Advancing methodology in the study of HIV status disclosure: the importance of considering disclosure target and intent.
SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE . 108: 166-174. Number of citations: 40
Dima AL, Schweitzer AM, Rivet Amico K and Sebastian Wanless R.
The Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model of ART Adherence in Romanian Young Adults
Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services . 12(3-4): 274-293.
Dima AL, Lewith GT, Little P, Moss-Morris R, Foster NE and Bishop FL.
Identifying patients' beliefs about treatments for chronic low back pain in primary care: a focus group study.
BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE . 63(612): . Number of citations: 60
Dima AL, Gillanders, David T. and Power, Mick J..
Dynamic pain-emotion relations in chronic pain: a theoretical review of moderation studies
Health Psychology Review . 7: 185-252. Number of citations: 16
Dima AL, Schweitzer AM, Diaconit R, Remor E and Wanless RS.
Adherence to ARV medication in Romanian young adults: self-reported behaviour and psychological barriers.
PSYCHOL HEALTH MED . 18(3): 343-354. Number of citations: 23
Finucane AM, Dima AL, Ferreira N and Halvorsen M.
Basic emotion profiles in healthy, chronic pain, depressed and PTSD individuals.
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOTHERAPY . 19(1): 14-24. Number of citations: 29