Mata-Miquel C, Oliver, A., Lalande, A., Walker, P. and Martí, J..
On the Use of XML in Medical Imaging Web-Based Applications
Irbm . 38(1): 3-12. Number of citations: 2
Mata-Miquel C, Walker, P., Oliver, A., Brunotte, F., Lalande, A. and Martí, J..
ProstateAnalyzer: Web-based medical application for the management of prostate cancer using multiparametric MR imaging
INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE . 41(3): 286-306. Number of citations: 5
Mata-Miquel C, Lalande, A., Walker, P., Oliver, A. and Martí, J..
Semi-automated labelling of medical images: benefits of a collaborative work in the evaluation of prostate cancer in MRI
ARXIV . : .
Regalado M, Carreras-Blesa N, Mata-Miquel C, Oliver A, Lladó X and Agut-Quijano T.
Automatic Segmentation of Sylvian Fissure in Brain Ultrasound Images of Pre-Term Infants Using Deep Learning Models.