Search publications


  • Martínez-Zambrano F, García-Morales E, García-Franco M, Vilellas, R, Pascual, G, Arenas, O and Ochoa S.

    Intervention for reducing stigma: Assessing the influence of gender and knowledge.

    World Journal of Psychiatry . 3(2): 18-24.


  • Ochoa S, Suarez D, Novick D, Arranz B, Roca M, Baño V and Haro JM.

    Factors predicting hostility in outpatients with schizophrenia: 36-month results from the SOHO study.

    JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE . 201(6): 464-470. Number of citations: 9


  • Brebion G, Villalta-Gil V, Autonell J, Cervilla J, Dolz M, Foix-Sanjuan A, Haro JM, Usall J, Vilaplana M and Ochoa S.

    Cognitive correlates of verbal memory and verbal fluency in schizophrenia, and differential effects of various clinical symptoms between male and female patients.

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 147(1): 81-85. Number of citations: 28


  • Barajas A, Ochoa S, Baños I, Dolz M, Villalta-Gil V, Vilaplana M, Autonell J, Sánchez Fernández B, Cervilla JA, Foix-Sanjuan A, Obiols JE, Haro JM, GENIPE group and Usall J.

    Spanish validation of the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS-S)

    COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 54(2): 187-194. Number of citations: 17


  • Brebion G, Stephan-Otto C, Huerta-Ramos ME, Usall J, Ochoa S, Roca M, Abellán-Vega H and Haro JM.

    Abnormal functioning of the semantic network in schizophrenia patients with thought disorganization. An exemplar production task.

    PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 205(1-2): 1-6. Number of citations: 8


  • Olaya B, Marsà F, Ochoa S, Balanzá-Martínez V, Barbeito S, García-Portilla MP, González-Pinto A, Lobo A, López-Antón R, Usall J, Arranz B and Haro JM.

    Development of the insight scale for affective disorders (ISAD): modification from the scale to assess unawareness of mental disorder.

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 142(1-3): 65-71. Number of citations: 30


  • Farreny A, Aguado J, Ochoa S, Huerta-Ramos ME, Marsà F, López-Carrilero R, Carral V, Haro JM and Usall J.

    REPYFLEC cognitive remediation group training in schizophrenia: Looking for an integrative approach.

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 142(1-3): 137-144. Number of citations: 28


  • Irazábal M, Marsà F, García M, Gutiérrez-Recacha P, Martorell A, Salvador-Carulla L and Ochoa S.

    Family burden related to clinical and functional variables of people with intellectual disability with and without a mental disorder.

    RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES . 33(3): 796-803. Number of citations: 34


  • Ochoa S, Usall J, Cobo J, Labad J and Kulkarni J.

    Psychosis and gender.

    Schizophrenia Research And Treatment . 2012: 694870-694870.


  • Ochoa S, Usall J, Cobo J, Labad X and Kulkarni J.

    Gender differences in schizophrenia and first-episode psychosis: a comprehensive literature review.

    Schizophrenia Research And Treatment . 2012: 916198-916198.
