Search results
Nello Formisano
Foetal Medicine and Surgery
Ayudante de investigación
Clàudia Fortuny Guasch
Infectious diseases and microbiome
Marta Franch Roca
Impact and prevention of mental disorders
Ayudante de investigación
Clément François
Attention, Perception and Language Acquisition (APAL)
Investigador post-doc
Elena Fresán Ruiz
Immune and Respiratory Dysfunction in Critically Ill Children
Ayudante de investigación
Carlos Fresno Cañada
Pediatric ophthalmology
Marcos Frías Nestares
Neurogenetics and Molecular Medicine
Ayudante de investigación
Manel Frigola Bourlon
Medical technologies: Robotics and vision
Lavinia Valy Frunza
Foetal Medicine and Surgery
Ayudante de investigación
Raquel Fucho Salvador
Foetal Medicine and Surgery
Investigador post-doc