Researchers of the Foundation published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Researchers who have participated, among others, in drafting the article together with the research group coordinator Judith Usall of the research group Pathogenesis and treatment of severe mental disorders: Susana Ochoa, Elena Huerta-Ramos, Raquel Iniesta, Jesús Cobo, Susana Araya, Mercedes Roca, Antoni Serrano Blanco, and Fernando Teba.
Resarch group publications: july-august 2011
With the aim of bringing research results to the scientific community and the general public, we present the latest research groups publications of the centers of Sant Joan de Deu, in July and August.
Institutional video of the Foundation
Institutional video of Sant Joan de Deu Foundation has developed jointly with the Social Work Sant Joan de Deu.
Research groups publications (october)