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#NeuroConCiencia| Pediatric Neurosciences: Research map at SJD

Speakers: Neurology team at SJD



Total 210 results found.

  1. TECSAM | Breakfast & Learn: Development of reliable and secure health apps

    Speaker: Marco González, Founder and Creative Director at Vibranding



  2. XARTECSALUT | SHARE & CONNECT – Telemedicine & Digital Health

    Introducing Xartec Salut SHARE & CONNECT, a series of informal themed gatherings crafted to enhance networking opportunities among research groups, hospitals, companies, and ecosystem stakeholders. Our primary focus is to facilitate connections, foster knowledge exchange, and highlight the latest research advancements within our network. This inaugural session is proudly presented in collaboration with the eHealth Center of Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

    Planta 0 del Hub Interdisciplinari de Recerca i Innovació de la UOC


  3. Defensa tesi doctoral: Maria Melé Casas

    “Susceptibilidad a la infección por SARS-CoV-2 en la población pediátrica y su contribución en la transmisión dentro de los núcleos familiares"

    Auditori Plaza (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu) and online


  4. #ViernesCientíficos | Investigación y evaluación del uso de terminologías normalizadas de enfermería en la práctica clínica

    Seminario a cargo de Claudio Alberto Rodríguez Suárez, Doctor en Enfermería.



  5. Ágora de la Ciencia | Vacunas, las grandes aliadas de la salud global

    We invite you to this new exhibition of the Àgora de la Ciència. On this occasion we will focus on the benefits vaccines have brought to the health of the population throughout the planet through the eyes of leading experts on the issue.



  6. Jornada Únicas SJD Talks: Enfermedades minoritarias, raras pero no invisibles

    "Únicas SJD Talks" nace con el objetivo de impulsar el debate social y la concienciación sobre las enfermedades minoritarias, fruto de la colaboración entre el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona y la Fundación "la Caixa".


    8:45 h

  7. Barcelona Medical Photonics Network 2024

    The Barcelona Medical Photonics Network aims to bring cutting-edge photonic technologies to clinical research and ultimately to routine clinical use through the interdisciplinary cooperation of sixteen prominent institutions in Barcelona.

    Auditori Plaza, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

    9:30h a 15h

  8. TECSAM | Breakfast & Learn: Development of reliable and secure health apps

    Speaker: Carme Pratdepàdua, Responsable de l'àrea M-Health de la Fundació TICSalut i Social.



  9. #NeuroConCiencia| Data Science in BRAIN

    Speakers: Júlia Romagosa.

