Total 247 results found.
Pint of Science |Entendiendo el cerebro en desarrollo: del embarazo a los primeros meses de vida
Defensa tesi doctoral: Montserrat Mesegué Medà
"Estudi de factors clínics i biològics associats a toxicitat en el tractament de la leucèmia limfoblàstica aguda pediàtrica"
#MondaYmaging: seminari d'imatge mèdica | Evaluation of deep learning (DL) algorithms using visual explanation techniques to classify brain Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) in Arterial Spin Labeling sequences (ASL)
Speakers: Júlia Romagosa Pérez
Using a database of ASL images of pediatric patients provided by Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona, an explainable Deep Learning model is developed to detect the presence of AVM in ASL.
Breakfast & Learn | Tecnology and mental health in rural areas
Success stories of people-centred innovative solutions in mental health developed in rural areas.
Delivered by: CTIC Technological Centre.
Defensa tesi doctoral: Èlia Vila Andreu
"Altered molecular pathways in schizophrenia: modulation by therapeutic strategies"
Developing Therapies for Congenital Muscular Dystrophies
Developing Therapies for Congenital Muscular Dystrophies: Gene Editing of Dominant Mutations in Collagen VI Genes Restores the Extracellular Matrix in Patient Cells. Speaker: Dra Cecilia Jiménez-Mallabrera.
#ViernesCientíficos · Development of metrics and indicators for children's nursing
Seminario a cargo de Maria Brenner, Doctora en Enfermería y Maribel Ferrer, Enfermera especialista en pediatría.
Barcelona Medical Photonics Network
Microcirculation in health and disease: Upcoming Annual Meeting of the Barcelona Medical Photonics Network
#MondaYmaging: seminari d'imatge mèdica | Assessment of physiological bone resorption of secondary alveolar bone graft by low-dose CT in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate
Speakers: Marta Gómez Chiari and Martí Engli Rueda
Cleft lip and palate is the most frequent congenital craniofacial malformation (1:700 RN), and it is accompanied by other congenital deformities such as dental anomalies, facial hypoplasias and functional alterations, making its treatment complex and multitemporal. A fundamental part of the treatment is the alveolar graft for the reconstruction of the maxillary defect, providing continuity in the arch and supporting the nose.