Erasmus+ Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:


The Strategic Partnerships (SP) are projects that support the development, transfer and/orimplementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promotingcooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience on education, training and youth atEuropean level. The SP must be focused in one of the following educational levels: schooleducation, higher education, vocational education and training, adult education.


Objective of the call

The call funds two types of SP:

- SP supporting innovation: they develop innovative outputs, and/or engage into intensivedissemination and exploitation activities of existing and new products or innovative ideas.

- SP supporting exchange of good practices: they allow organisations to develop and reinforcenetworks, increase their capacity to operate at trans-national level, share and confront ideas,practices and methods. Selected projects may also produce tangible outputs and are expected todisseminate the results of their activities.



The projects must address at least one of the following priorities:

- Development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences in order to fosteremployability and socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in civicand social life;


-Social inclusion: address diversity and promote ownership of shared values, equality, includinggender equality, and non-discrimination and social inclusion through education, training, youthand sport. The call supports projects that aim to: a) develop social and civic and interculturalcompetences, media literacy, and critical thinking, and also tackle discrimination, segregation,racism, bullying and violence; b) enhance the access, participation and learning performance ofdisadvantaged learners; c) support new approaches to reducing disparities in access to andengagement with digital technologies in formal and non-formal education;


-Open education and innovative practices in a digital era: promote innovative methods andpedagogies, as well as participatory modes of governance; updating and developing digitallearning materials and tools, in particular Open Educational Resources, open textbooks, andFree and Open Source Educational Software, as well as supporting the effective use of digitaltechnologies and open pedagogies in education, training, youth and sport;


-Educators: strengthen the recruitment, selection and induction of the best and most suitablecandidates for the teaching profession; support the promotion of high-quality and innovativeteaching, especially in dealing with early school leaving, learners with disadvantagedbackgrounds, diversity in classrooms, use of new teaching methods and tools;


-Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications: support employability as well aslearning and labour mobility and facilitate transitions between different levels and types ofeducation and training, between education/training and the world of work, and between different jobs;


-Sustainable investment, performance and efficiency: support the effective implementation ofthe Investment Plan for Europe, as well as the design of evidence-based reforms that deliverquality, innovation and relevance in education, training, youth and sport systems and policies;


-Social and educational value of European cultural heritage, its contribution to job creation,economic growth and social cohesion: raising awareness of the importance of Europe's culturalheritage through education, life-long learning, informal and non-formal learning, youth as wellas sport, including actions to support skills development, social inclusion, critical thinking andyouth engagement.


Eligible activities

A wide range of activities can be implemented, such as:

- testing and/or implementation of innovative practices in the field of education, training andyouth;

- facilitate the recognition and validation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired throughformal, non-formal and informal learning;

- support learners with disabilities/special needs to complete education cycles and facilitate theirtransition into the labour market, including by combating segregation and discrimination ineducation for marginalised communities;

- better prepare and deploy the education and training of professionals for equity, diversity andinclusion challenges in the learning environment;

- promote the integration of refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived migrants and raiseawareness about the refugee crisis in Europe;

-transnational initiatives fostering entrepreneurial mind-sets and skills, to encourage activecitizenship and entrepreneurship.


Eligible applicants

Any organization active in the field of education, training and youth such as: NGOs, associations,public bodies, foundations, enterprises, research institutes, social partners, higher educationinstitutions, non-profit organisations.


Partnership criteria

A project must involve a minimum of 3 organisations from 3 different eligible countries.



The maximum grant awarded to a project is 150.000 euro per year, with a maximum of 450.000 euros.


Project duration

Maximum 3 years


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