Early-Career Patient-Oriented Diabetes Research Award

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
Termini intern:
Termini real:


The awards will provide crucial support to investigators who plan to pursue a career in diabetes-related clinical investigation.

Institutional Eligibility

- Domestic & foreign non-profit organizations

- Public & private universities, colleges, hospitals, laboratories

- Units of state & local governments

- Eligible agencies of the federal government

Applicant Eligibility

- Clinical researchers at a relatively early stage of their independent career.

- Clinical researchers who have received their first faculty-level appointment less than 5 years before the submission date.

- Applicants must have an MD or MD-PhD, hold an appointment or joint appointment in a subspecialty of clinical medicine in a clinical department, and conduct human clinical research (research conducted with human subjects for which the investigator directly interacts with the subjects).

- To assure continued excellence and diversity, the awards encourage proposals from all qualified individuals and also from people with disabilities, women, and members of minority groups underrepresented in the sciences.

- The applicant must be sponsored by an investigator who is affiliated full-time with an accredited institution


- Proposal

- Research Plan

- Future Career Plans Statement

- Training Plan Statement

- Recommendation

- References

- Institutional Assurance

Proposals should be submitted electronically through the Research Management System (RMS360): https://jdrf.smartsimple.us/s_Login.jsp

All proposal information and templates are available in this system.


150,000 USD maximum/year for up to 5 years.

It includes up to 10% for indirect costs and generally not renewable after 5 years.


In case of interest, please contact with Research Management Department until 21st of July 2017.

For more information: http://grantcenter.staging.wpengine.com/information-for-applicants/grant-mechanism-descriptions/early-career-patient-oriented-diabetes-research-awards/