- Entitat convocant:
- European Commission
- Categoria:
- Projectes de recerca
- Àmbit:
- Internacional
- Inici:
- Termini intern:
- Termini real:
- Descripció:
Objectiu de la convocatòria
COST actions are a Pan-European networking instrument that allows researchers, engineers or scholars from COST Member Countries and Cooperating State to develop jointly their ideas and new initiatives in a field or topic of common interest.
COST supports the following networking tools:- Meetings,
- Conferences,
- Workshops,
- Short-term scientific exchanges,
- Training schools and
- Dissemination Activities.
COST does not support research
Característiques principals
COST is open to all scientific and technological (S&T) fields.Convocatòria (URL)
Minimum 7 COST Member Countries and Cooperating State.Dotació
Average Annual Budget 130 000 euros.Durada
4 yearsDocumentació
The proposal requires filling in several sections via the new e-COST online submission tool as well as the Technical Annex of up to 15 pages, uploaded via the same tool.e-COST online submission tool: