Third Programme in the field of health Work Programme 2017

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:


The work programme sets out the priorities and the allocation of resources to implement the thirdProgramme the field of health (2014-2020). The described priorities concern the upcoming call forproposals 2017 for action grants and Joint Actions with Member States. This call will fund projectsaddressing one or more of these priorities.



In 2017 the projects addressing the following priorities will be funded:

a) Action grants- Supporting Member States in mainstreaming health promotion and disease prevention inhealth and educational settings: communicate the potential of health promotion and diseaseprevention and health determinants in the Member States and to increase the commitment ofpublic authorities to this topic. A workshop (and a conference) to update knowledge andgood practice will be organised, with the participation of the main medical faculties and theChief Medical Officers of all Member States. Grant amount: 250.000 euro- European Reference Networks (ERN): Support to the ERN under the FrameworkPartnership Agreements (FPA), signed for each ERN after their establishment. The FPA hasaduration of maximum five years. Only applicants with whom a FPA is concluded areeligible for the specific grant agreement. Grant amount: 4,6 million euro;

b) Joint Actions with Member States

- Joint Action on health inequalities: to develop a clear policy framework with a menu ofactions and recommendations for local take up and implementation at national and regionallevel in order to fight health inequalities and to support health systems dealing withchallenges related to integrating vulnerable groups. Grant amount: 2,5 million euro-

- Innovative Partnership on Action against Cancer: to reinforce prevention of cancer viapopulation based programmes on cancer screening, further developing the principles of the2003 Recommendation on Cancer Screening, paying particular attention to geneticscreening and personalised medicine. Grant amount: 4,5 million euro;

- Joint Action on vaccination: to establish sustainable cooperation of Member Stateauthorities dealing with vaccination, with a focus on cooperation on vaccine demandplanning and forecasting, and other issues related to preparedness, while fully respectingMember State responsibilities. The Joint Action will define commonly basic principles forvaccine demand forecasting and develop a concept and prototype of a data-warehouse for anEU-wide central repository on vaccine supply and demand data. Grant amount: 3 millioneuro;

- Joint Action on preparedness and action at points of entry (air, maritime and groundcrossing): to develop catalogues of tested best practice and guidelines, including validatedaction plans for the use of the Member States’ health authorities, to be implemented atoperational level through agencies and stakeholders in the field of transport. Thesecatalogues are expected to provide the basis for coordinated cross sectoral actions to controlinfectious disease transmission and possible vectors for pathogens on ground transportation,on ships, and in aircrafts in case of a serious cross-border threat to health affecting orinherently coming from the transport sector. Grant amount: 3 million euro;

- Joint Action supporting the eHealth Network: to facilitate cross-border healthcare acrossthe EU and overcome barriers in the implementation of digital solutions in Member States’healthcare systems and provide the necessary policy support to the eHealth Digital ServiceInfrastructure (eHDSI) with view to implementing the Commission's Digital Single MarketStrategy as regards interoperability and standardisation. Grant amount: 2,7 million euro;

- Joint Action on Health Information towards a sustainable EU health information systemthat supports country knowledge, health research and policy-making: to build on previousprojects and initiatives on EU health information and lead to the establishment of aEuropean Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) on Health Information. It willcoordinate all expert networks on health information developed by the Bridging Informationand Data Generation for Evidence-based Health Policy and Research Project (BRIDGE)ensuring their transition to an ERIC on Health Information. Grant amount: 4 million euro;


Eligible applicants


Action grants: legally established organisations, such as national health authorities, publicand private bodies, in particular research and health organisations, universities and highereducation establishments. The Programme is accessible also to non-governmental bodiesand patient organisations working in the public health area.

Joint actions: competent authorities (ie: Ministries of Health) or public bodies/nongovernmentalorganisations that are designated through a transparent procedure by theMember State of the competent authority concerned and agreed by the EuropeanCommission. In order to be designated by the Member State authorities, the publicbody/NGO has to receive a letter from the Ministry of Health.



The grants cover 60% of the costs of the project. This figure can rise to 80% in specific cases:

- At least 60 % of the total budget of the action must be used to fund staff;

- At least 30 % of the budget of the proposed action is allocated to Member States whosegross national income (GNI) per inhabitant is less than 90 % of the Union average;

- The proposal must demonstrate excellence in furthering public health in Europe and a veryhigh EU added value.



Publication of the call for action grants: first half 2017Publication of the call for joint actions: second half 2017


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